----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 12 17:33:38 GMT 2001 Year: 01 Doy: 346 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Dec 12 17:33:39 GMT 2001 Mostly clear sky, very light snow falling, road was icy and snowy, raining hard down below, wind=10 mph from the East, temp=34 F. COMMENT: Wed Dec 12 17:37:44 GMT 2001 No observing until weather clears a little more. A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Wed Dec 12 18:19:51 GMT 2001 WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Dec 12 18:28:48 GMT 2001 Still have light snow and rain. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Dec 12 18:52:32 GMT 2001 Low clouds and fog are increasing. GONG COMMENT: Wed Dec 12 20:34:57 GMT 2001 Back from the shelter, I swapped the Waveplate card and stored the spare fans, I'll ship back the old cards. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Dec 12 20:36:07 GMT 2001 Heavy hail outside now. **PICS PROBLEM**: Wed Dec 12 22:11:47 GMT 2001 Regarding the timeouts that Eric saw and the possibility of a slipping mechanism on the PICS Filter Wheel. I watched the LEDs and something seemed strange, the Home LED stayed lit while the wheel started moving then went dark a short time then the wheel would stop driving when the Home lit again. What should happen is the Home LED should go out before the wheel position LEDs change then the Home should light a short time when the wheel is at each position. So the opposite seems to be happening, but it works for stopping the wheel at least sometimes. I checked the Home actuator, it uses the dip down sector on the drive wheel - like the ECHO QWP that also gave problems. I removed the assembly to test on the bench, sure enough, the Home LED goes out when the Home position is reached and lights the rest of the time. Has this always been this way? I'll give it more thought and finish it tomorrow, it would be easy to rewire the connector to light the Home LED at the Home position. No setscrews were loose, no slippage evident. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Dec 12 22:33:05 GMT 2001 Bad weather all day. Wed Dec 12 22:33:52 GMT 2001 MkIV