----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Dec 13 17:19:46 GMT 2001 Year: 01 Doy: 347 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Dec 13 17:19:50 GMT 2001 Snowing and raining, 1-2" of snow on ground, luckily the rain is keeping the ice away so I could drive all the way up - barely. COMMENT: Thu Dec 13 17:20:51 GMT 2001 Placed buckets under the roof leaks. It looks like the power hasn't been interrupted yet. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Dec 13 21:50:07 GMT 2001 Snowing all day. **PICS PROBLEM**: Thu Dec 13 21:50:17 GMT 2001 I swapped the HOME_NC and HOME_NO wires before the assembly side connector. This fixed the reverse-Home problem, hopefully it will help with the timeout problems we sometimes see. PICS COMMENT: Thu Dec 13 22:03:24 GMT 2001 PICS is back together and ready to use. Thu Dec 13 22:18:05 GMT 2001 MkIV