----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jan 24 18:29:09 GMT 2002 Year: 02 Doy: 024 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 24 18:29:34 GMT 2002 Thick cloud cover, wind=5 mph from the SSE, temp=34 F. Thu Jan 24 19:21:20 GMT 2002 CHIP Start Patrol COMMENT: Thu Jan 24 19:21:21 GMT 2002 Spar is barely tracking at times, starting some instruments. Thu Jan 24 19:29:39 GMT 2002 PICS Start Patrol PICS COMMENT: Thu Jan 24 19:29:27 GMT 2002 The camera is working well, may need to tweak the camera position to get the best focus, but its difficult to determine until we get clear sky. I'll take some data anyway. Thu Jan 24 20:02:10 GMT 2002 CHIP LSD Thu Jan 24 20:04:13 GMT 2002 CHIP End LSD Thu Jan 24 20:04:20 GMT 2002 CHIP BiasLSD Thu Jan 24 20:05:10 GMT 2002 CHIP End BiasLSD Thu Jan 24 20:05:17 GMT 2002 CHIP Bias Thu Jan 24 20:06:08 GMT 2002 CHIP End Bias GONG COMMENT: Thu Jan 24 20:02:50 GMT 2002 I'm sure we're getting freezing temperatures overnight so I'm going to leave the turret covered to avoid damaging the seals due to possible ice formation. There is still moisture around, the humidity is still high and it rained yesterday so we may get rain for the next few days. Thu Jan 24 20:11:20 GMT 2002 CHIP End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 24 20:11:51 GMT 2002 Clouds are very thick again, no tracking, pausing instruments. Thu Jan 24 20:13:49 GMT 2002 PICS End Patrol Thu Jan 24 21:22:51 GMT 2002 CHIP Start Patrol Thu Jan 24 21:23:12 GMT 2002 PICS Start Patrol COMMENT: Thu Jan 24 21:23:00 GMT 2002 Spar is starting to track the sun again, restarting some instruments. Thu Jan 24 22:00:10 GMT 2002 CHIP LSD Thu Jan 24 22:02:20 GMT 2002 CHIP End LSD Thu Jan 24 22:02:26 GMT 2002 CHIP BiasLSD Thu Jan 24 22:03:06 GMT 2002 CHIP End BiasLSD Thu Jan 24 22:03:12 GMT 2002 CHIP Bias Thu Jan 24 22:03:51 GMT 2002 CHIP End Bias PICS COMMENT: Thu Jan 24 22:18:42 GMT 2002 There seems to be several specks of dust on the CCD I think, they can be seen easily on the animations, the biggest pieces are in the East and Southwest in the disk images. These can be blown away with the converted airbrush after we're sure we have a good focus, more might be added during the focus procedure if the camera is moved in its mount. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 24 22:35:36 GMT 2002 In a thin area of the higher clouds, but now thick orographic clouds are moving in. Thu Jan 24 22:52:57 GMT 2002 PICS End Patrol Thu Jan 24 22:53:04 GMT 2002 CHIP End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jan 24 22:52:51 GMT 2002 The thick orographic clouds have brought fog too, closing down. Thu Jan 24 22:58:20 GMT 2002 MkIV