----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jan 27 17:54:53 GMT 2002 Year: 02 Doy: 027 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Jan 27 17:54:56 GMT 2002 Thick overcast, wind=5 mph from the WSW, temp=46 F. COMMENT: Sun Jan 27 17:58:00 GMT 2002 No observing until the clouds clear. **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sun Jan 27 17:58:16 GMT 2002 HELCO fixed the power problem, we have all 3 phases again. I turned all breakers back on and so far everything is functioning normally, I'll continue testing and bring everything back up to normal. WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Jan 27 20:43:53 GMT 2002 Still have very thick cloud cover, with some light rain. **GONG PROBLEM**: Sun Jan 27 20:44:25 GMT 2002 I'm back from the shelter. I got everything back up and running, so far it looks very good. Some temperatures were very low so I left the heater running and will turn it off when I head down today. The instrument was tracking the sun judging from images taken through clouds. I made some notes in the manual about better ways to shutdown and startup under these conditions. Sun Jan 27 21:43:19 GMT 2002 MkIV