----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 12 17:27:34 GMT 2002 Year: 02 Doy: 043 Observer: yasukawa COMMENT: Tue Feb 12 17:27:57 GMT 2002 Removed heating pad from mk4 barrel. WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Feb 12 17:28:21 GMT 2002 Cold, in thick cirrus overcast, in broken altocumulus, light southwest breeze. Tue Feb 12 17:29:56 GMT 2002 CHIP Start Patrol Tue Feb 12 17:30:11 GMT 2002 PICS Start Patrol GONG COMMENT: Tue Feb 12 17:30:05 GMT 2002 Stopped by GONG COMMENT: Tue Feb 12 17:30:18 GMT 2002 Stopped by GONG shelter on the way up to do weekly PM. **CHIP PROBLEM**: Tue Feb 12 17:34:51 GMT 2002 CHIP stalled in accumulate again, even after Alice's fix. In thick clouds, sky tx is 733, nominal is around 1300-1400. Last message on Console is: NEW 2002_02_12_17_30_14.csr Status: Program=Accumulating Accumulate=0->0 **PICS PROBLEM**: Tue Feb 12 17:38:11 GMT 2002 PICS also crashed in first loop. Last Console message: H-alpha.disk 77 76 Status: Program=H-alpha.disk Accumulate=0->1 COMMENT: Tue Feb 12 17:54:16 GMT 2002 Killed PICS and CHIP programs. Awaiting feedback from Alice before restarting. In overcast. WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Feb 12 18:52:48 GMT 2002 Overcast very thick, no shadows. COMMENT: Tue Feb 12 18:53:26 GMT 2002 Stowed spar and closed dome. Installed heating pad against mk4 barrel. **PICS PROBLEM**: Tue Feb 12 19:35:15 GMT 2002 Alice installed the old version of Accumulate on both PICS and CHIP. Tue Feb 12 20:22:51 GMT 2002 MkIV