----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Feb 19 17:17:26 GMT 2002 Year: 02 Doy: 050 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Feb 19 17:17:53 GMT 2002 Cool, clear, light south breeze. Tue Feb 19 17:25:10 GMT 2002 CHIP Start Patrol Tue Feb 19 17:25:20 GMT 2002 PICS Start Patrol **MKIV PROBLEM**: Tue Feb 19 17:25:12 GMT 2002 Started temperature monitor after two night without heating pad on barrel. Turned thermo printer on, set monitor to 1-minute cadence and pressed GO. Starting temperature was 7.2. Tue Feb 19 17:27:41 GMT 2002 MKIV Start Patrol PSPT COMMENT: Tue Feb 19 17:33:58 GMT 2002 Starting PSPT observations. A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Tue Feb 19 17:53:46 GMT 2002 **PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue Feb 19 17:57:29 GMT 2002 Daily obs started out with a centered image. At 1754 UT, I noticed that the image had drifted off to the top right corner of the window. Aborted Daily obs, moved spar closer to axis, restarted Daily obs. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue Feb 19 18:00:17 GMT 2002 First image recentered. Tue Feb 19 18:02:53 GMT 2002 CHIP LSD Tue Feb 19 18:04:14 GMT 2002 PICS Flat Tue Feb 19 18:05:04 GMT 2002 CHIP End LSD Tue Feb 19 18:05:18 GMT 2002 CHIP BiasLSD Tue Feb 19 18:06:14 GMT 2002 CHIP End BiasLSD Tue Feb 19 18:06:31 GMT 2002 CHIP Bias Tue Feb 19 18:07:17 GMT 2002 PICS End Flat Tue Feb 19 18:07:31 GMT 2002 CHIP End Bias Tue Feb 19 18:09:20 GMT 2002 MKIV End Patrol Tue Feb 19 18:29:03 GMT 2002 MKIV End Cal Tue Feb 19 18:29:14 GMT 2002 MKIV Start Patrol **PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue Feb 19 18:32:13 GMT 2002 At 1825, images looked like the mirror was oscillating. I aborted program. Alice sent instructions to install a later version of pspt.exe so I installed C:\PSPT\SAVE06FEB\pspt.exe into C:\PSPT and restarted Pspt on the Sparc. Restarted Daily Obs. WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Feb 19 18:35:55 GMT 2002 In scattered orographic clouds. PSPT COMMENT: Tue Feb 19 18:36:11 GMT 2002 Aborted Daily Obs before first loop could start due to clouds. Tue Feb 19 18:47:10 GMT 2002 MKIV End Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Tue Feb 19 18:46:29 GMT 2002 Stopping to reset the thermo printer from 1-minute to 30-minute cadence. Tue Feb 19 18:48:58 GMT 2002 MKIV Start Patrol **MKIV PROBLEM**: Tue Feb 19 18:49:02 GMT 2002 Rats! I must not have pressed GO with enough authority to start the thermo printer logging mode. Nothing was printed this morning. I started it in 30-minute mode anyway and will leave that data on the tape for tomorrow. I will turn it off overnight and leave the heating pad off tonight so that we can log a cold start tomorrow. GONG COMMENT: Tue Feb 19 18:58:15 GMT 2002 Going down to GONG to do weekly PM. Tue Feb 19 19:03:12 GMT 2002 CHIP LSD Tue Feb 19 19:05:19 GMT 2002 CHIP End LSD Tue Feb 19 19:05:33 GMT 2002 CHIP BiasLSD Tue Feb 19 19:06:32 GMT 2002 CHIP End BiasLSD Tue Feb 19 19:06:45 GMT 2002 CHIP Bias Tue Feb 19 19:07:45 GMT 2002 CHIP End Bias GONG COMMENT: Tue Feb 19 19:17:50 GMT 2002 Back from GONG. WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Feb 19 19:27:30 GMT 2002 In solid orographic clouds. Tue Feb 19 19:28:15 GMT 2002 CHIP End Patrol Tue Feb 19 19:29:31 GMT 2002 PICS End Patrol Tue Feb 19 19:30:34 GMT 2002 MKIV End Patrol Tue Feb 19 20:20:02 GMT 2002 MkIV 17_27.rawmk4 17_51.rawmk4 18_25.rawmk4 18_51.rawmk4 19_15.rawmk4 17_30.rawmk4 17_54.rawmk4 18_29.rawmk4 18_54.rawmk4 19_18.rawmk4 17_33.rawmk4 17_57.rawmk4 18_32.rawmk4 18_57.rawmk4 19_21.rawmk4 17_36.rawmk4 18_00.rawmk4 18_35.rawmk4 19_00.rawmk4 19_24.rawmk4 17_39.rawmk4 18_03.rawmk4 18_38.rawmk4 19_03.rawmk4 19_27.rawmk4 17_42.rawmk4 18_06.rawmk4 18_41.rawmk4 19_06.rawmk4 c18_09.rawmk4 17_45.rawmk4 18_13.rawmk4 18_43.rawmk4 19_09.rawmk4 c18_16.rawmk4 17_48.rawmk4 18_19.rawmk4 18_49.rawmk4 19_12.rawmk4 c18_22.rawmk4