----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 13 17:35:31 GMT 2002 Year: 02 Doy: 072 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Mar 13 17:35:37 GMT 2002 Thick altocumulus overcast, wind=54 mph from the SW, temp=42 F. COMMENT: Wed Mar 13 19:41:18 GMT 2002 I gave some logistical information to Walter from Verizon (Oahu-536-6677) that he needed for the T1 Frame Relay installation to proceed. It looks like the next step is for them to send a crew up to do the installation of the equipment here inside MLSO. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Mar 13 19:43:59 GMT 2002 Still very cloudy, no observations until clouds clear. PSPT COMMENT: Wed Mar 13 20:49:01 GMT 2002 I just emailed the pspt.ini file to Alice at her request. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Mar 13 22:19:17 GMT 2002 Still dark and cloudy with passing fog and rain. No observing today. Wed Mar 13 22:30:58 GMT 2002 MkIV