----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Apr 15 16:42:43 GMT 2002 Year: 02 Doy: 105 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Apr 15 16:42:46 GMT 2002 Cool, in broken cirus and altostratus of varying thicknesses, south wind. Mon Apr 15 16:46:27 GMT 2002 CHIP Start Patrol Mon Apr 15 16:46:43 GMT 2002 PICS Start Patrol PSPT COMMENT: Mon Apr 15 17:00:22 GMT 2002 Starting observations in thin to moderate cirrus. **** EVENT COMMENT ****: Mon Apr 15 17:40:17 GMT 2002 Possible EPL at PA 245-260. Images taken thru clouds, difficult to determine if and when prominence began lifting away from limb. **** EVENT COMMENT ****: Mon Apr 15 17:43:06 GMT 2002 EPL appears to have originated from an active region on the disk, near the limb and changes in that AR appear ongoing from first images at 1649 UT. WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Apr 15 17:48:03 GMT 2002 overcast relatively thick, guider is having a difficult time tracking the sun. Mon Apr 15 18:03:51 GMT 2002 PICS Flat Mon Apr 15 18:06:39 GMT 2002 PICS End Flat Mon Apr 15 18:45:11 GMT 2002 MKIV Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Apr 15 18:45:16 GMT 2002 Clear hole, opened up a few minutes ago. **MKIV PROBLEM**: Mon Apr 15 18:47:21 GMT 2002 It is a good idea to run a patrol loop while still in clouds on days like today. Optics may be in beam until initialization and observer may not realize that the sky has cleared until actually going outside to check, especially when cirrus is thin and does not show up well on PICS. Once initialized, clearing condition is best evident on MK4 monitor. I believe Begin Day also does an initialize. Mon Apr 15 18:58:13 GMT 2002 MKIV End Patrol Mon Apr 15 19:00:04 GMT 2002 CHIP LSD Mon Apr 15 19:02:19 GMT 2002 CHIP End LSD Mon Apr 15 19:02:33 GMT 2002 CHIP BiasLSD Mon Apr 15 19:03:29 GMT 2002 CHIP End BiasLSD Mon Apr 15 19:03:37 GMT 2002 CHIP Bias Mon Apr 15 19:04:33 GMT 2002 CHIP End Bias Mon Apr 15 19:18:01 GMT 200219:17:53 GMT 2002 Back in thin cirrus. MKIV End Cal Mon Apr 15 19:18:20 GMT 2002 CHIP End Patrol COMMENT: Mon Apr 15 19:18:39 GMT 2002 Queueing up stop to reconfigure dome shutter. Mon Apr 15 19:19:20 GMT 2002 PICS End Patrol Mon Apr 15 19:25:10 GMT 2002 MKIV End Patrol Mon Apr 15 19:28:53 GMT 2002 CHIP Start Patrol Mon Apr 15 19:29:04 GMT 2002 PICS Start Patrol Mon Apr 15 20:45:38 GMT 2002 MKIV Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Apr 15 20:45:49 GMT 2002 Cirrus thinning again. Mon Apr 15 22:03:20 GMT 2002 PICS End Patrol Mon Apr 15 22:03:51 GMT 2002 CHIP End Patrol Mon Apr 15 22:08:28 GMT 2002 MKIV End Patrol PSPT COMMENT: Mon Apr 15 22:13:19 GMT 2002 Stopped PSPT observations. Mon Apr 15 22:13:42 GMT 2002 MkIV 18_45.rawmk4 20_45.rawmk4 21_09.rawmk4 21_32.rawmk4 21_56.rawmk4 18_51.rawmk4 20_48.rawmk4 21_12.rawmk4 21_35.rawmk4 21_59.rawmk4 18_54.rawmk4 20_51.rawmk4 21_15.rawmk4 21_38.rawmk4 22_02.rawmk4 19_02.rawmk4 20_54.rawmk4 21_18.rawmk4 21_41.rawmk4 22_05.rawmk4 19_08.rawmk4 20_57.rawmk4 21_21.rawmk4 21_44.rawmk4 c18_58.rawmk4 19_14.rawmk4 21_00.rawmk4 21_23.rawmk4 21_47.rawmk4 c19_05.rawmk4 19_18.rawmk4 21_03.rawmk4 21_26.rawmk4 21_50.rawmk4 c19_11.rawmk4 19_21.rawmk4 21_06.rawmk4 21_29.rawmk4 21_53.rawmk4