----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue May 7 16:24:02 GMT 2002 Year: 02 Doy: 127 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Tue May 7 16:24:06 GMT 2002 Cool, in continued cirrostratus overcast of varying thickness, southwest wind. Tue May 7 16:31:04 GMT 2002 CHIP Start Patrol Tue May 7 16:31:20 GMT 2002 PICS Start Patrol A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Tue May 7 16:34:53 GMT 2002 **PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue May 7 17:04:18 GMT 2002 Dome did not point correctly at startup. It ended up slightly to right of correct position. Spar was partially shaded. Ran thru dome cal / dome ephm procedure to correct pointing. Emailed Alice with the parameters that displayed during the procedures. PSPT COMMENT: Tue May 7 17:08:30 GMT 2002 Starting daily obs thru moderate cirrostratus overcast. Tue May 7 18:04:32 GMT 2002 PICS Flat Tue May 7 18:07:16 GMT 2002 PICS End Flat **PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue May 7 18:46:31 GMT 2002 PSPT crashed at 1738 taking CaK image in Photo Data program. Killed procedure in order to check something on PC for Alice, then restarted Daily Obs. **** EVENT COMMENT ****: Tue May 7 18:50:31 GMT 2002 EPL at PA 225-235 expanding slowly since startup. GONG COMMENT: Tue May 7 18:53:29 GMT 2002 Going down to GONG to do weekly/monthly PM. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue May 7 18:56:48 GMT 2002 Program crashed again just after restart taking blue image. Kill/Restart. Tue May 7 19:02:59 GMT 2002 CHIP LSD **PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue May 7 19:02:18 GMT 2002 Program crashed again, taking blue image (message on gui) before centering image. PC command is stat mnt. cirrus is rather thick, maybe program is crashing because it cannot find the sun?? Waiting for it to thin out. GONG COMMENT: Tue May 7 19:04:21 GMT 2002 Haven't left for GONG shelter yet. Leaving now. Tue May 7 19:05:09 GMT 2002 CHIP End LSD Tue May 7 19:05:15 GMT 2002 CHIP BiasLSD Tue May 7 19:06:07 GMT 2002 CHIP End BiasLSD Tue May 7 19:06:13 GMT 2002 CHIP Bias Tue May 7 19:07:04 GMT 2002 CHIP End Bias GONG COMMENT: Tue May 7 19:38:29 GMT 2002 Back from GONG. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue May 7 19:47:35 GMT 2002 Copied c:\020510\pspt.ini and pspt.exe to c:\pspt\pspt.ini and pspt.exe as suggested by Alice. No error messages when starting pspt.exe. Restarting observations from scratch on Sparc after shutting down instrument. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue May 7 20:05:09 GMT 2002 Dome did not point to correct azimuth at startup. Spar was looking at left side of slot, completely shaded. Ran thru dome cal / dome ephm procedure before restarting daily observations. Tue May 7 20:12:24 GMT 2002 CHIP End Patrol COMMENT: Tue May 7 20:12:51 GMT 2002 Stopping to reconfigure dome shutter. Tue May 7 20:14:36 GMT 2002 PICS End Patrol Tue May 7 20:20:13 GMT 2002 CHIP Start Patrol Tue May 7 20:20:18 GMT 2002 PICS Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Tue May 7 20:25:06 GMT 2002 Cirrostratus is real thick now, spar is barely guiding. WEATHER COMMENT: Tue May 7 21:06:27 GMT 2002 In thick cirrostratus and orographic clouds. Tue May 7 21:07:15 GMT 2002 PICS End Patrol Tue May 7 21:07:17 GMT 2002 CHIP End Patrol PSPT COMMENT: Tue May 7 21:12:46 GMT 2002 Shut down PSPT. Tue May 7 21:13:51 GMT 2002 MkIV