----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Aug 27 16:25:38 GMT 2002 Year: 02 Doy: 239 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Aug 27 16:26:09 GMT 2002 Cool, in thin, structured cirrostratus, south wind. Tue Aug 27 16:34:18 GMT 2002 CHIP Start Patrol Tue Aug 27 16:34:28 GMT 2002 PICS Start Patrol Tue Aug 27 16:35:02 GMT 2002 MKIV Start Patrol A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Tue Aug 27 16:38:13 GMT 2002 COMMENT: Tue Aug 27 16:49:11 GMT 2002 Stopping kaiee to swap disk 0 (backup HD) with larger capacity drive that arrived yesterday. We will be swapping the main drive later after testing the spare drive. PSPT COMMENT: Tue Aug 27 16:57:58 GMT 2002 Dome's stepsPerRadian was too small by about 20% Old value 2547.76. New value 3106.7 This should help aleviate some of the dome pointing problems seen later in the observing day. **PICS PROBLEM**: Tue Aug 27 17:08:25 GMT 2002 Learned from Alice that anytime kaiee is turned off, we lose PICS data. Fortunately, PICS is in cirrus so data lost is rather ratty. Also fortunate to have Alice here to clean up the PICS data loss problem. Message here is we need to swap the live data hard drive BEFORE starting up observations when we proceed with the next swap. MKIV COMMENT: Tue Aug 27 17:25:05 GMT 2002 Stopping MK4 observations, in cirrostratus. Tue Aug 27 17:29:10 GMT 2002 MKIV End Patrol PICS COMMENT: Tue Aug 27 17:37:59 GMT 2002 Alice double checked, no pics was lost due to kaiee downtime. **MLSO PROBLEM**: Tue Aug 27 17:41:01 GMT 2002 During kaiee downtime, gif images for chip pics and mk4 were not produced. There is an approximate 20 minute gap starting at 16:50. **** EVENT COMMENT ****: Tue Aug 27 17:52:19 GMT 2002 There was a large surge at PA 90 during the kaiee hard drive swap that corrupted .gif images for the duration sometime before 1721 UT. This only affected hoike animation, data not lost. Tue Aug 27 18:03:13 GMT 2002 PICS Flat Tue Aug 27 18:06:09 GMT 2002 PICS End Flat GONG COMMENT: Tue Aug 27 18:22:15 GMT 2002 Going down to GONG to do weekly PM. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue Aug 27 18:29:46 GMT 2002 Problems with camera timeouts, so reloading some idl software and restarting. GONG COMMENT: Tue Aug 27 18:43:37 GMT 2002 Back from GONG. Tue Aug 27 19:01:49 GMT 2002 CHIP LSD Tue Aug 27 19:03:41 GMT 2002 CHIP End LSD Tue Aug 27 19:03:50 GMT 2002 CHIP BiasLSD Tue Aug 27 19:04:42 GMT 2002 CHIP End BiasLSD Tue Aug 27 19:04:51 GMT 2002 CHIP Bias Tue Aug 27 19:05:43 GMT 2002 CHIP End Bias Tue Aug 27 19:24:18 GMT 2002 CHIP End Patrol COMMENT: Tue Aug 27 19:25:18 GMT 2002 Stopping to reconfigure dome shutter. Tue Aug 27 19:26:41 GMT 2002 PICS End Patrol Tue Aug 27 19:32:13 GMT 2002 CHIP Start Patrol Tue Aug 27 19:32:24 GMT 2002 PICS Start Patrol PSPT COMMENT: Tue Aug 27 20:38:58 GMT 2002 Stopping regular obs to intall new code on PC PSPT COMMENT: Tue Aug 27 20:58:00 GMT 2002 Resuming regular obs with new PC code. WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Aug 27 21:09:43 GMT 2002 In orographic clouds. **MLSO PROBLEM**: Tue Aug 27 21:19:11 GMT 2002 Remade the missing gifs for chip and pics. They should be trickling over to HAO. Tue Aug 27 21:47:43 GMT 2002 CHIP End Patrol Tue Aug 27 21:49:25 GMT 2002 PICS End Patrol Tue Aug 27 21:50:43 GMT 2002 MkIV 16_35.rawmk4 16_46.rawmk4 16_58.rawmk4 17_10.rawmk4 17_25.rawmk4 16_38.rawmk4 16_49.rawmk4 17_01.rawmk4 17_16.rawmk4 16_41.rawmk4 16_52.rawmk4 17_04.rawmk4 17_20.rawmk4 16_43.rawmk4 16_55.rawmk4 17_07.rawmk4 17_23.rawmk4