----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat Aug 31 16:45:20 GMT 2002 Year: 02 Doy: 243 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Aug 31 16:45:21 GMT 2002 Thick altocumulus and cirrostratus overcast, no wind, temp=46 F. COMMENT: Sat Aug 31 16:53:48 GMT 2002 Will wait for clouds to thin before observing. **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sat Aug 31 17:16:25 GMT 2002 Network connection to Internet not working. A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Sat Aug 31 17:25:26 GMT 2002 **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sat Aug 31 18:24:25 GMT 2002 I can Traceroute Pings to the next machine after our Gateway server but then it keeps timing out trying to get beyond that. Sat Aug 31 20:37:53 GMT 2002 CHIP Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Aug 31 20:37:51 GMT 2002 Clouds cleared enough for tracking, starting some instruments. Sat Aug 31 20:38:07 GMT 2002 PICS Start Patrol PSPT COMMENT: Sat Aug 31 21:23:00 GMT 2002 Observing through clouds. **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sat Aug 31 21:27:48 GMT 2002 Tracing pings get only as far as whatever that is, I can ping our T1 box ( **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sat Aug 31 21:29:46 GMT 2002 Another problem I've been trying to solve involves the DLT drive. After I loaded a new tape I noticed that the "operate handle" green LED was still on after a while and the other 3 LEDS on the right side of the drive were flashing ('write protected", "tape in use", and "use cleaning tape"). I tried using a cleaning tape but that didn't help, it didn't seem to even drive it. I tried another tape, still no good. I tried cycling power, still have the problem. Sat Aug 31 22:21:02 GMT 2002 CHIP End Patrol Sat Aug 31 22:25:40 GMT 2002 PICS End Patrol **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sat Aug 31 22:37:50 GMT 2002 I used the RAS modem connection to send email regarding our network and DLT drive problems to Trouble and Alice. Regular email won't work due to the network problem. **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sat Aug 31 22:39:12 GMT 2002 I put a DLT III tape in the older spare drive in case they want to write to that drive. We have a new big Hard Drive so it may take a while before the data piles up to a critical tape writing level. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Sat Aug 31 22:40:24 GMT 2002 Stalled after stowing the telescope at shutdown, didn't park dome, etcetera. I killed runPspt.pro and restarted Pspt then did Shutdown again - it worked. Sat Aug 31 22:51:56 GMT 2002 MkIV