----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Oct 11 16:34:05 GMT 2002 Year: 02 Doy: 284 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Oct 11 16:34:12 GMT 2002 Cool, clear, light south breeze. Fri Oct 11 16:46:32 GMT 2002 CHIP Start Patrol Fri Oct 11 16:46:46 GMT 2002 PICS Start Patrol Fri Oct 11 16:46:57 GMT 2002 MKIV Start Patrol **PSPT PROBLEM**: Fri Oct 11 17:01:41 GMT 2002 Spar not centering. This is probably due to error in Alice's new code. Alice is looking into the problem and will send a fix soon. **** EVENT COMMENT ****: Fri Oct 11 17:19:26 GMT 2002 limbflare beginning at PA 252. **PICS PROBLEM**: Fri Oct 11 17:40:08 GMT 2002 Temperature on TekTemp display was 18.8-19.0 this morning when I opened up. Ambient temperature was pretty cool this morning. Initially, checked fluid level and found it around 1.5-inches below port. Filled it to 0.5" below port with 50/50 antifreeze/water mixture. Just went up to check heater output voltage, terminals 19-21, should be 20V when temperature is below setpoint. I could not measure any significant voltage, but temperature had risen to 22.2 degrees. May have been at off cycle during measurement attempt. I'll keep monitoring the temperature. **** EVENT COMMENT ****: Fri Oct 11 17:46:43 GMT 2002 Surge at PA 252 shot out to RV 1.15 between 1702 to 1735 UT. CME visible at PA 250-260 from 1707 UT. Fri Oct 11 18:01:51 GMT 2002 CHIP LSD Fri Oct 11 18:03:53 GMT 2002 CHIP End LSD Fri Oct 11 18:04:09 GMT 2002 CHIP BiasLSD Fri Oct 11 18:04:49 GMT 2002 PICS Flat Fri Oct 11 18:05:16 GMT 2002 CHIP End BiasLSD Fri Oct 11 18:05:29 GMT 2002 CHIP Bias Fri Oct 11 18:06:26 GMT 2002 CHIP End Bias Fri Oct 11 18:07:13 GMT 2002 PICS End Flat MKIV COMMENT: Fri Oct 11 18:06:31 GMT 2002 O1 guider turned on at barrel turnaround. Steppers at midrange. **PICS PROBLEM**: Fri Oct 11 18:07:42 GMT 2002 TekTemp temperature at 24.0, at the setpoint. Fri Oct 11 18:15:32 GMT 2002 MKIV End Patrol Fri Oct 11 18:15:41 GMT 2002 MKIV Start Cal Fri Oct 11 18:34:28 GMT 2002 MKIV End Cal Fri Oct 11 18:34:38 GMT 2002 MKIV Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Fri Oct 11 18:58:19 GMT 2002 Did the O1 guider thing at barrel turnaround. N-S stepper at a limit. Will realign at next opportunity to idle. PICS COMMENT: Fri Oct 11 19:00:22 GMT 2002 TekTemp temperature at 24.0 Fri Oct 11 19:04:29 GMT 2002 MKIV End Patrol Fri Oct 11 19:07:46 GMT 2002 MKIV Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Fri Oct 11 19:07:54 GMT 2002 Adjusted O1 guider alignment to set N-S stepper to midrange. MKIV COMMENT: Fri Oct 11 20:00:52 GMT 2002 Did the O1 guider thing. Steppers midrange. MKIV COMMENT: Fri Oct 11 20:59:47 GMT 2002 Did the O1 guider thing. Steppers OK. COMMENT: Fri Oct 11 21:01:01 GMT 2002 Spar near top of dome slot, but not shaded yet. Will check out how high the spar will go to determine if dome slot reconfiguration is required. It is getting to the time of year when reconfiguration is no longer needed. PSPT COMMENT: Fri Oct 11 21:49:17 GMT 2002 Stopped PSPT, editing pspt.ini file on PC as rquested by Alice, changing AZsparErr_deg back to 0.0 Fri Oct 11 21:55:54 GMT 2002 CHIP End Patrol Fri Oct 11 21:56:04 GMT 2002 PICS End Patrol COMMENT: Fri Oct 11 21:56:04 GMT 2002 CHIP got domed out at 2145 UT. We will have to reconfigure the dome shutter for a few more days. Fri Oct 11 21:58:45 GMT 2002 MKIV End Patrol Fri Oct 11 22:01:00 GMT 2002 MkIV 16_46.rawmk4 17_48.rawmk4 19_01.rawmk4 20_06.rawmk4 21_08.rawmk4 16_50.rawmk4 17_51.rawmk4 19_07.rawmk4 20_09.rawmk4 21_11.rawmk4 16_52.rawmk4 17_54.rawmk4 19_10.rawmk4 20_12.rawmk4 21_14.rawmk4 16_55.rawmk4 17_57.rawmk4 19_13.rawmk4 20_15.rawmk4 21_17.rawmk4 16_58.rawmk4 18_00.rawmk4 19_16.rawmk4 20_18.rawmk4 21_20.rawmk4 17_01.rawmk4 18_03.rawmk4 19_19.rawmk4 20_21.rawmk4 21_23.rawmk4 17_04.rawmk4 18_06.rawmk4 19_22.rawmk4 20_24.rawmk4 21_26.rawmk4 17_07.rawmk4 18_09.rawmk4 19_25.rawmk4 20_27.rawmk4 21_29.rawmk4 17_10.rawmk4 18_12.rawmk4 19_28.rawmk4 20_30.rawmk4 21_32.rawmk4 17_13.rawmk4 18_18.rawmk4 19_31.rawmk4 20_33.rawmk4 21_34.rawmk4 17_16.rawmk4 18_24.rawmk4 19_34.rawmk4 20_36.rawmk4 21_37.rawmk4 17_19.rawmk4 18_31.rawmk4 19_37.rawmk4 20_39.rawmk4 21_40.rawmk4 17_22.rawmk4 18_34.rawmk4 19_40.rawmk4 20_41.rawmk4 21_43.rawmk4 17_25.rawmk4 18_37.rawmk4 19_43.rawmk4 20_44.rawmk4 21_46.rawmk4 17_28.rawmk4 18_40.rawmk4 19_46.rawmk4 20_47.rawmk4 21_49.rawmk4 17_31.rawmk4 18_43.rawmk4 19_49.rawmk4 20_50.rawmk4 21_52.rawmk4 17_34.rawmk4 18_46.rawmk4 19_51.rawmk4 20_53.rawmk4 21_55.rawmk4 17_37.rawmk4 18_49.rawmk4 19_54.rawmk4 20_56.rawmk4 c18_15.rawmk4 17_39.rawmk4 18_52.rawmk4 19_57.rawmk4 20_59.rawmk4 c18_21.rawmk4 17_42.rawmk4 18_55.rawmk4 20_00.rawmk4 21_02.rawmk4 c18_27.rawmk4 17_45.rawmk4 18_58.rawmk4 20_03.rawmk4 21_05.rawmk4