----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Oct 31 16:58:20 GMT 2002 Year: 02 Doy: 304 Observer: koon Thu Oct 31 17:01:38 GMT 2002 CHIP Start Patrol Thu Oct 31 17:01:48 GMT 2002 PICS Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Oct 31 16:58:23 GMT 2002 Clear sky, wind=5 mph from the SE, temp=44 F. Thu Oct 31 17:05:28 GMT 2002 MKIV Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Thu Oct 31 17:05:31 GMT 2002 Centered O1. PSPT COMMENT: Thu Oct 31 17:57:53 GMT 2002 Doing some testing for Alice. Thu Oct 31 17:58:45 GMT 2002 MKIV End Patrol Thu Oct 31 17:58:57 GMT 2002 MKIV Start Cal Thu Oct 31 18:01:53 GMT 2002 CHIP LSD Thu Oct 31 18:03:50 GMT 2002 CHIP End LSD Thu Oct 31 18:03:59 GMT 2002 CHIP BiasLSD Thu Oct 31 18:04:02 GMT 2002 PICS Flat Thu Oct 31 18:04:44 GMT 2002 CHIP End BiasLSD Thu Oct 31 18:04:52 GMT 2002 CHIP Bias Thu Oct 31 18:05:33 GMT 2002 CHIP End Bias Thu Oct 31 18:06:30 GMT 2002 PICS End Flat Thu Oct 31 18:18:42 GMT 2002 MKIV End Cal Thu Oct 31 18:18:57 GMT 2002 MKIV Start Patrol **** EVENT COMMENT ****: Thu Oct 31 18:18:10 GMT 2002 Nice EPLs today, first on East limb, now on West limb. MKIV COMMENT: Thu Oct 31 19:06:15 GMT 2002 Centered O1 guider. Thu Oct 31 19:31:03 GMT 2002 CHIP End Patrol CHIP COMMENT: Thu Oct 31 19:31:11 GMT 2002 Pausing to reroute camera controller power to UPS. Thu Oct 31 19:42:31 GMT 2002 CHIP Start Patrol CHIP COMMENT: Thu Oct 31 19:44:19 GMT 2002 Back up again, the camera controller power now comes from the UPS. I rebooted Kii in case the controller needed information loaded into it that might have been lost while it was turned off during the switch. PSPT COMMENT: Thu Oct 31 19:52:42 GMT 2002 Still trying to get some tests done, no observing yet. MKIV COMMENT: Thu Oct 31 20:46:17 GMT 2002 Centered O1. **MLSO PROBLEM**: Thu Oct 31 21:21:40 GMT 2002 There seems to be a mail problem again where our email isn't going through. The last several times this happened it was caused by Kaiee getting filled with error messages or backed up data. I called Alice and found out my earlier email (some of them) from today didn't get through. Also I'm not getting responses to email I sent to other people. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Thu Oct 31 21:24:46 GMT 2002 I did another "gdr ephmcal" and will try again to start observing. MKIV COMMENT: Thu Oct 31 21:25:48 GMT 2002 Centered Occulting. **MLSO PROBLEM**: Thu Oct 31 21:32:31 GMT 2002 Email is back again. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Thu Oct 31 21:38:33 GMT 2002 Didn't work, same crash, rebooting Sparc. Thu Oct 31 22:08:08 GMT 2002 CHIP End Patrol Thu Oct 31 22:08:45 GMT 2002 MKIV End Patrol Thu Oct 31 22:08:44 GMT 2002 PICS End Patrol Thu Oct 31 22:23:53 GMT 2002 MkIV 17_05.rawmk4 18_18.rawmk4 19_20.rawmk4 20_22.rawmk4 21_24.rawmk4 17_08.rawmk4 18_21.rawmk4 19_23.rawmk4 20_25.rawmk4 21_27.rawmk4 17_11.rawmk4 18_24.rawmk4 19_26.rawmk4 20_28.rawmk4 21_30.rawmk4 17_14.rawmk4 18_27.rawmk4 19_29.rawmk4 20_31.rawmk4 21_33.rawmk4 17_17.rawmk4 18_30.rawmk4 19_32.rawmk4 20_34.rawmk4 21_36.rawmk4 17_20.rawmk4 18_33.rawmk4 19_35.rawmk4 20_37.rawmk4 21_39.rawmk4 17_23.rawmk4 18_36.rawmk4 19_38.rawmk4 20_40.rawmk4 21_41.rawmk4 17_26.rawmk4 18_39.rawmk4 19_41.rawmk4 20_43.rawmk4 21_44.rawmk4 17_29.rawmk4 18_42.rawmk4 19_44.rawmk4 20_46.rawmk4 21_47.rawmk4 17_32.rawmk4 18_45.rawmk4 19_47.rawmk4 20_49.rawmk4 21_50.rawmk4 17_34.rawmk4 18_48.rawmk4 19_50.rawmk4 20_51.rawmk4 21_53.rawmk4 17_37.rawmk4 18_51.rawmk4 19_53.rawmk4 20_54.rawmk4 21_56.rawmk4 17_40.rawmk4 18_54.rawmk4 19_56.rawmk4 20_57.rawmk4 21_59.rawmk4 17_43.rawmk4 18_57.rawmk4 19_59.rawmk4 21_00.rawmk4 22_02.rawmk4 17_46.rawmk4 19_00.rawmk4 20_01.rawmk4 21_03.rawmk4 22_05.rawmk4 17_49.rawmk4 19_03.rawmk4 20_04.rawmk4 21_06.rawmk4 c18_05.rawmk4 17_52.rawmk4 19_06.rawmk4 20_07.rawmk4 21_09.rawmk4 c18_12.rawmk4 17_55.rawmk4 19_08.rawmk4 20_10.rawmk4 21_12.rawmk4 18_02.rawmk4 19_11.rawmk4 20_13.rawmk4 21_15.rawmk4 18_09.rawmk4 19_14.rawmk4 20_16.rawmk4 21_18.rawmk4 18_15.rawmk4 19_17.rawmk4 20_19.rawmk4 21_21.rawmk4