----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Apr 10 16:39:47 GMT 2003 Year: 03 Doy: 100 Observer: stueben WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Apr 10 16:42:35 GMT 2003 Overcast with light snow, light south wind, temp 40F. Domes closed, satelite photos and forecast not particularly promising. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Apr 10 17:38:54 GMT 2003 Snow has given way to very light rain. Some signs of clearing. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Apr 10 19:08:03 GMT 2003 So white, soft, and pure Falling from an ivory vault of heaven Down to the cold earth Small frozen tears Of long forgotten angels Thu Apr 10 22:32:41 GMT 2003 CHIP Start Patrol Thu Apr 10 22:33:06 GMT 2003 MKIV Start Patrol Thu Apr 10 22:33:07 GMT 2003 PICS Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Apr 10 22:33:42 GMT 2003 Sky has cleared, starting all instruments. Gusty wind causing spar to bounce around somewhat. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Apr 10 22:54:16 GMT 2003 In and out of clouds, which are now orographic clouds coming up from the west. Thu Apr 10 22:57:53 GMT 2003 MKIV End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Apr 10 23:05:57 GMT 2003 Light rain, blowing mist. Closed domes idled instruments. Thu Apr 10 23:07:06 GMT 2003 CHIP End Patrol Thu Apr 10 23:07:32 GMT 2003 PICS End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Apr 11 00:06:49 GMT 2003 There is now enough sun to observe, but blowing rain prevents opening domes. WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Apr 11 02:02:32 GMT 2003 Clouds have been getting denser and darker, now we have pea sized hail. A day with a little of everything! Fri Apr 11 02:13:57 GMT 2003 MkIV 22_33.rawmk4 22_42.rawmk4 22_48.rawmk4 22_54.rawmk4 22_39.rawmk4 22_45.rawmk4 22_51.rawmk4