----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon May 19 16:37:00 GMT 2003 Year: 03 Doy: 139 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Mon May 19 16:37:07 GMT 2003 In heavy cirrostratus and altostratus overcast. No shadows. South wind. GONG COMMENT: Mon May 19 16:38:13 GMT 2003 Performed GONG weekly PM on the way up the hill since there is no rush to begin observations up here. WEATHER COMMENT: Mon May 19 19:40:05 GMT 2003 Upper level clouds thinned enough to guide. Opened up and starting up CHIP and PICS. Mon May 19 19:41:13 GMT 2003 CHIP Start Patrol Mon May 19 19:41:39 GMT 2003 PICS Start Patrol **PSPT PROBLEM**: Mon May 19 19:55:17 GMT 2003 Replacement dome shutter motor is in (town)! I'll try to pick it up today before the vendor closes so that we can install it tomorrow. WEATHER COMMENT: Mon May 19 21:00:31 GMT 2003 Overcast real thick again, guiding and data marginal. WEATHER COMMENT: Mon May 19 22:39:30 GMT 2003 in scattered orographic clouds. Mon May 19 23:11:49 GMT 2003 CHIP End Patrol Mon May 19 23:15:37 GMT 2003 PICS End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Mon May 19 23:28:11 GMT 2003 In solid orographic cloud overcast. Shutting down to get to Hilo and pick up the PSPT dome shutter motor. Mon May 19 23:29:14 GMT 2003 MkIV