----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 8 16:34:41 GMT 2003 Year: 03 Doy: 189 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jul 8 16:34:41 GMT 2003 Thick cirrostratus, wind=5 mph from the SE, temp=47 F. COMMENT: Tue Jul 8 16:35:29 GMT 2003 Will wait for clouds to clear before starting obs. A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Tue Jul 8 16:50:28 GMT 2003 GONG COMMENT: Tue Jul 8 18:29:31 GMT 2003 I put the new spare DLT drive in the storage shed down by the shelter. Wed Jul 9 01:37:11 GMT 2003 CHIP Start Patrol Wed Jul 9 01:37:25 GMT 2003 PICS Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Wed Jul 9 01:37:25 GMT 2003 Centered occulting. Wed Jul 9 01:37:40 GMT 2003 MKIV Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Jul 9 01:37:44 GMT 2003 Clouds have thinned enough for spar to track, starting some obs. PSPT COMMENT: Wed Jul 9 01:38:18 GMT 2003 Observing. PICS COMMENT: Wed Jul 9 01:38:24 GMT 2003 I had the PICS covers off, I photographed and measured the existing Halle filter setup to see how we can automate the lineshifter knob as requested by Boulder people. It is too tight a space to use any exixting old mechanisms from the old automated setup when the camera and filter were on the Coude path. Best way would be to use smaller motor and possibly some kind of flexible coupling. I'll continue researching the possibilities. Wed Jul 9 02:08:37 GMT 2003 PICS End Patrol MKIV COMMENT: Wed Jul 9 02:16:15 GMT 2003 No data today, stopping. **PICS PROBLEM**: Wed Jul 9 02:16:30 GMT 2003 Stopped to remove one big new dust particle from CCD, as well as at least 2 smaller particles that have been there for a while. Use dv program to set exposure to 10 seconds and use vacuum to get dust while shutter is open. Wed Jul 9 02:18:55 GMT 2003 CHIP End Patrol Wed Jul 9 02:19:27 GMT 2003 MKIV End Patrol Wed Jul 9 02:34:49 GMT 2003 PICS Start Patrol Wed Jul 9 02:40:14 GMT 2003 PICS Start Patrol **PICS PROBLEM**: Wed Jul 9 02:50:46 GMT 2003 I think I got the ccd clean, if not I'll try again another day, I know I removed a big piece of dust. I'm having trouble getting Patrol to run again same with Video, they keep stalling at Init. Now it's too cloudy to track and get images. I'm going to reboot Nene and go home, it should be OK tomorrow **PICS PROBLEM**: Wed Jul 9 03:12:38 GMT 2003 Finally got covers back on again, cables were interfering left side, fixed. Wed Jul 9 03:14:19 GMT 2003 MkIV 01_37.rawmk4 01_46.rawmk4 01_55.rawmk4 02_04.rawmk4 02_13.rawmk4 01_40.rawmk4 01_49.rawmk4 01_58.rawmk4 02_07.rawmk4 02_15.rawmk4 01_43.rawmk4 01_52.rawmk4 02_01.rawmk4 02_10.rawmk4