----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jul 24 17:26:38 GMT 2003 Year: 03 Doy: 205 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jul 24 17:26:40 GMT 2003 Thick, dark cloud cover, wind=10 mph from the South, temp=43 F. COMMENT: Thu Jul 24 17:27:36 GMT 2003 Read HelCo meters on the way up this morning. Thu Jul 24 17:32:28 GMT 2003 CHIP Start Patrol Thu Jul 24 17:32:37 GMT 2003 PICS Start Patrol A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Thu Jul 24 17:44:47 GMT 2003 Thu Jul 24 18:02:16 GMT 2003 PICS Flat Thu Jul 24 18:02:47 GMT 2003 CHIP LSD COMMENT: Thu Jul 24 18:03:18 GMT 2003 Tried to get a few decent images but now the Spar won't track due to very thick clouds, paused instruments. Thu Jul 24 18:04:36 GMT 2003 CHIP End LSD Thu Jul 24 18:04:43 GMT 2003 CHIP BiasLSD Thu Jul 24 18:04:45 GMT 2003 PICS End Flat Thu Jul 24 18:05:34 GMT 2003 CHIP End BiasLSD Thu Jul 24 18:05:43 GMT 2003 CHIP Bias Thu Jul 24 18:06:20 GMT 2003 PICS End Patrol Thu Jul 24 18:06:33 GMT 2003 CHIP End Bias COMMENT: Thu Jul 24 18:14:24 GMT 2003 Closing domes due to ominous looking clouds. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jul 24 18:18:30 GMT 2003 Sparse rain is coming down. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jul 24 21:53:37 GMT 2003 It is raining heavily now. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jul 24 23:37:26 GMT 2003 Still raining, a leak has started in the ceiling near the fire extinguishers so I put an empty trash can there to catch the water. WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jul 25 01:05:19 GMT 2003 The rain has stopped but I can see that the weather won't clear anymore today, so I'll go buy some supplies in Hilo. Fri Jul 25 01:06:48 GMT 2003 CHIP End Patrol CHIP COMMENT: Fri Jul 25 01:09:22 GMT 2003 Patrol didn't stop this morning when I stopped it via GUI, started Video then used the End window to stop it now. Fri Jul 25 01:10:57 GMT 2003 MkIV