----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Nov 26 16:53:22 GMT 2003 Year: 03 Doy: 330 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Nov 26 16:53:29 GMT 2003 Cold, 40-degrees F, in blowing rain and fog, lenticular clouds in the lee of Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea. cirrostratus overcast above that. Wind from the west, 40-50 mph with gusts to 60 mph. **MLSO PROBLEM**: Wed Nov 26 17:00:13 GMT 2003 High wind has shredded tarp covering Carrol spar. Spar is already wet and it is rather hazardous to be up on the roof at this time to deal with the whipping shreds and rope. Will wait ro some improvement in the weather conditions before dealing with the problem. WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Nov 27 01:31:08 GMT 2003 Wind continues to howl at 30-50 mph with higher gusts. Fog and mist still whipping by. No observations today. Thu Nov 27 01:32:33 GMT 2003 MkIV