----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 31 17:38:29 GMT 2003 Year: 03 Doy: 365 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Dec 31 17:39:15 GMT 2003 Cold, Very heavy overcast of upper and middle level clouds, drizzling, light south wind. GONG COMMENT: Wed Dec 31 20:51:19 GMT 2003 Went down to GONG to do the weekly PM. Wasn't done on Monday as usual. Tape keeps chugging along even with the turret stowed. Tape was down to 5% remaining capacity. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Dec 31 20:53:46 GMT 2003 Still in heavy overcast and light rain. Wed Dec 31 20:54:44 GMT 2003 MkIV