----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jan 27 17:40:46 GMT 2004 Year: 04 Doy: 027 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jan 27 17:40:47 GMT 2004 Thick cirrostratus overcast, wind=5 mph from the SW, temp=38 F, frosty road. COMMENT: Tue Jan 27 17:47:18 GMT 2004 No observing until clouds thin out. ECHO COMMENT: Tue Jan 27 17:47:42 GMT 2004 Time OK. A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Tue Jan 27 17:59:03 GMT 2004 WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jan 27 21:54:24 GMT 2004 Dark low clouds, closing domes. WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jan 27 22:27:04 GMT 2004 Getting some rain and hail. **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Jan 28 00:41:21 GMT 2004 Regarding the cross pattern that is sometimes seen in our calibrated data in Boulder, I checked the rotation of the tiltplate assembly about the optical axis, it is set at 0 degrees as expected. I also checked the functionality of the tiltplates and that seems fine. They were a little dirty and dusty so I cleaned all plate sides (4), as best I could while they were still mounted in the telescope. Had to detach tubes at each end of the rotation adjuster area and gain access that way. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Jan 28 00:46:36 GMT 2004 Still have thick clouds with fog and some light rain. Wed Jan 28 01:03:09 GMT 2004 MkIV