----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 8 17:36:45 GMT 2004 Year: 04 Doy: 039 Observer: koon Sun Feb 8 17:42:17 GMT 2004 CHIP Start Patrol Sun Feb 8 17:42:27 GMT 2004 MKIV Start Patrol Sun Feb 8 17:42:26 GMT 2004 PICS Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Feb 8 17:36:46 GMT 2004 Clear sky, wind=5 mph from the SE, temp=38 F, icy road, frosty boardwalk. ECHO COMMENT: Sun Feb 8 17:56:08 GMT 2004 Time OK. Sun Feb 8 18:00:46 GMT 2004 CHIP LSD Sun Feb 8 18:02:51 GMT 2004 CHIP End LSD Sun Feb 8 18:03:09 GMT 2004 CHIP BiasLSD Sun Feb 8 18:03:57 GMT 2004 PICS Flat Sun Feb 8 18:04:10 GMT 2004 CHIP End BiasLSD Sun Feb 8 18:04:26 GMT 2004 CHIP Bias Sun Feb 8 18:05:25 GMT 2004 CHIP End Bias PSPT COMMENT: Sun Feb 8 18:06:30 GMT 2004 Observing. Sun Feb 8 18:06:27 GMT 2004 PICS End Flat A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Sun Feb 8 18:31:54 GMT 2004 MKIV COMMENT: Sun Feb 8 18:32:57 GMT 2004 Centered occulting. Sun Feb 8 18:36:01 GMT 2004 MKIV End Patrol Sun Feb 8 18:57:13 GMT 2004 MKIV End Cal Sun Feb 8 18:57:17 GMT 2004 MKIV Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Feb 8 19:47:04 GMT 2004 Low clouds have moved in from the East, pausing some instruments. Sun Feb 8 19:51:36 GMT 2004 MKIV End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Feb 8 20:31:14 GMT 2004 Clouds are thick and dark, paused instruments and closed domes. Sun Feb 8 20:34:55 GMT 2004 PICS End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Feb 8 21:02:45 GMT 2004 Foggy. PSPT COMMENT: Sun Feb 8 23:24:28 GMT 2004 Installed new diffuser. COMMENT: Mon Feb 9 01:20:13 GMT 2004 Still cleaning up and tidying things after the COR1 project visit. I packed one of the 3 boxes that need to be sent back to Boulder soon, I packed it according to the photos but it looks like it can hold more things. I left it uncovered with the crate screws bundled and taped to the outside of the cover. I've been taping screws and bolts to their parts whenever possible, using clear packing tape. I also boxed some electronic components, the boxes that are closed (interleaved flaps) are filled already. Packaged some of the bolts. I wedged the leftover bubble wrap between the crate and the cover on the outside of the crate. I will be able to lift and place the heavy yoke by myself, and the spar feels easy to manage, so we won't need 2 people to pack the crates but all 3 of us should be up here for loading the crates into the truck or van later. Mon Feb 9 02:02:29 GMT 2004 MkIV 17_42.rawmk4 18_06.rawmk4 18_29.rawmk4 19_12.rawmk4 19_36.rawmk4 17_45.rawmk4 18_09.rawmk4 18_32.rawmk4 19_15.rawmk4 19_39.rawmk4 17_48.rawmk4 18_12.rawmk4 18_40.rawmk4 19_18.rawmk4 19_42.rawmk4 17_51.rawmk4 18_15.rawmk4 18_46.rawmk4 19_21.rawmk4 19_45.rawmk4 17_54.rawmk4 18_18.rawmk4 18_57.rawmk4 19_24.rawmk4 19_48.rawmk4 17_57.rawmk4 18_20.rawmk4 19_00.rawmk4 19_27.rawmk4 c18_36.rawmk4 18_00.rawmk4 18_23.rawmk4 19_03.rawmk4 19_30.rawmk4 c18_43.rawmk4 18_03.rawmk4 18_26.rawmk4 19_09.rawmk4 19_33.rawmk4