----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 2 17:29:06 GMT 2004 Year: 04 Doy: 062 Observer: koon Tue Mar 2 17:35:01 GMT 2004 CHIP Start Patrol Tue Mar 2 17:35:11 GMT 2004 PICS Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Mar 2 17:29:38 GMT 2004 Mostly cloudy, no wind, temp=40 F, lots of snow on the ground, frosty road. I couldn't make it up to MLSO on Sunday due to 1" thick slick ice on the road from the off-camber hill/turn up. **ECHO PROBLEM**: Tue Mar 2 17:48:03 GMT 2004 Program crashed at 1721 UT yesterday 3/1. Stopped and restarted echosys. Tue Mar 2 18:02:00 GMT 2004 PICS Flat Tue Mar 2 18:02:43 GMT 2004 CHIP LSD Tue Mar 2 18:04:26 GMT 2004 PICS End Flat Tue Mar 2 18:04:30 GMT 2004 CHIP End LSD Tue Mar 2 18:04:36 GMT 2004 CHIP BiasLSD Tue Mar 2 18:05:27 GMT 2004 CHIP End BiasLSD Tue Mar 2 18:05:33 GMT 2004 CHIP Bias Tue Mar 2 18:06:00 GMT 2004 PICS End Patrol Tue Mar 2 18:06:27 GMT 2004 CHIP End Bias **ECHO PROBLEM**: Tue Mar 2 18:09:28 GMT 2004 It takes what looks like one normal set of images then crashes with the MOF1 and MOF2 and Heat Ex fields red instead of the normal green. A C++ debugger window comes up too, I've never seen this before. I'll ask Alice about it. A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Tue Mar 2 19:20:28 GMT 2004 Tue Mar 2 19:54:46 GMT 2004 PICS Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Mar 2 20:18:10 GMT 2004 Still fairly cloudy with some darker clouds to the East. Tue Mar 2 21:17:43 GMT 2004 CHIP End Patrol Tue Mar 2 21:17:57 GMT 2004 PICS End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Mar 2 21:25:13 GMT 2004 Closed domes due to nearby fog. **ECHO PROBLEM**: Tue Mar 2 21:40:19 GMT 2004 I did a Partial Systsem Power Down Sequence (procedure in manila folder under ECHO keyboard. This cleared the instantaneous crash problem. Echosys program is up and running normally as far as I can tell, no error messages, I saw images between clouds, and all fields are green between clouds. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Mar 3 00:31:32 GMT 2004 Still very cloudy and foggy, light rain falling. Wed Mar 3 00:38:31 GMT 2004 MkIV