----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 19 16:21:47 GMT 2004 Year: 04 Doy: 140 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Wed May 19 16:21:54 GMT 2004 in thick clouds and rain. 41F, west wind 11 mph. COMMENT: Wed May 19 18:43:33 GMT 2004 Bunny and I will be swapping kenobi for kaiee today since MLSO is in bad weather and no data is being taken. COMMENT: Wed May 19 18:50:35 GMT 2004 Shutting down observation sparcs and then the administration sparcs. Then I will swap disk drives (only) between kaiee and kenobi and then turn them back on for Bunny to make some changes. Wed May 19 18:52:27 GMT 2004 MkIV ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed May 19 20:20:50 GMT 2004 Year: 04 Doy: 140 Observer: yasukawa COMMENT: Wed May 19 20:21:12 GMT 2004 Swap completed and systems turned back on. Bunny checking things out to confirm success. COMMENT: Wed May 19 20:25:39 GMT 2004 Bunny indicates things look OK from their end. Display resolution for kenobi and oopu are low so we are getting large characters on monitor. We'll address that later. Program changes made to observations and administration systems to allow data to transfer to kenobi instead of kaiee. **CHIP PROBLEM**: Wed May 19 20:30:02 GMT 2004 Noticed that kii's power LED is out--kii is on, up and running. Wed May 19 20:36:51 GMT 2004 MKIV Start Patrol Wed May 19 20:36:57 GMT 2004 CHIP Start Patrol Wed May 19 20:37:02 GMT 2004 PICS Start Patrol COMMENT: Wed May 19 20:33:02 GMT 2004 Testing data transfer with dark scans on PICS, CHIP and MK4. Taking about 15 minutes of data with domes closed. Starting up PSPT and will observe for about 15 minutes once startup is complete. Pspt dome closed too. Still raining heavily. **PSPT PROBLEM**: Wed May 19 20:53:10 GMT 2004 PSPT test may not work in dark if it cannot find the sun to guide on. Wed May 19 20:54:38 GMT 2004 CHIP End Patrol Wed May 19 20:54:45 GMT 2004 PICS End Patrol Wed May 19 21:00:43 GMT 2004 MKIV End Patrol COMMENT: Wed May 19 21:00:07 GMT 2004 Exabyte drive and DLT3 drive that used to be daisy chained with hard drives disconnected and turned off during the swap. Distal HD has a terminator connected where the daisy chain to the tape drives continued. PSPT COMMENT: Wed May 19 21:02:34 GMT 2004 PSPT is taking images of the inside of the dome. PSPT COMMENT: Wed May 19 21:12:22 GMT 2004 End null observations. COMMENT: Wed May 19 21:15:23 GMT 2004 Redundant tape storage of data still being written to DLT4 via kaiee. DLT4 has not been moved to kenobi. WEATHER COMMENT: Wed May 19 21:19:07 GMT 2004 Still in dark clouds and constant rain. COMMENT: Wed May 19 21:19:54 GMT 2004 Kaiee/kenobi swap tests pau. Bunny is happy with the results. She'll be even happier when we can see the sun again. COMMENT: Wed May 19 21:25:18 GMT 2004 Bunny indicates that there is no plan to move the DLT4 to kenobi. It'll remain connected to kaiee. Wed May 19 21:26:16 GMT 2004 MkIV 20_36.rawmk4 20_42.rawmk4 20_48.rawmk4 20_54.rawmk4 20_39.rawmk4 20_45.rawmk4 20_51.rawmk4 20_57.rawmk4