----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Sep 26 17:15:03 GMT 2004 Year: 04 Doy: 270 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Sep 26 17:15:06 GMT 2004 Clear sky, no wind, temp=39F. ___end___ **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sun Sep 26 17:21:30 GMT 2004 Spar guider apparently not working, Sky Transmission readout apparently incorrect too. ___end___ **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sun Sep 26 17:35:30 GMT 2004 Turning on the mk4 O1 guider toggle switch doesn't light up the green indicator light at the top of the guider rack, Sky Transmisson readout stays at +1, spar isn't guiding. Will wait a while then call Allen to see if he changed something yesterday while possibly working on the guiders. It seems like a power supply problem so far. I don't see anything obviously bad or disconnected in the top section of the lower guider cabinet. ___end___ **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sun Sep 26 18:25:20 GMT 2004 5 vdc is getting through mk4 O1 guider switch when turned on. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Sep 26 20:50:29 GMT 2004 Low clouds have moved in. ___end___ PSPT COMMENT: Sun Sep 26 20:50:45 GMT 2004 I've installed the filters that we just received in the mail, the blue, red, and 0.25 nm "NSO" CaK filters are ready to go. I'll start obs when clouds clear. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Sep 26 22:03:29 GMT 2004 Very cloudy and dark, domes are closed. ___end___ Mon Sep 27 00:59:29 GMT 2004 MkIV