----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Sep 27 16:46:44 GMT 2004 Year: 04 Doy: 271 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Sep 27 16:47:23 GMT 2004 Clear, SW wind 7 mph, temp 38 F. ___end___ **MLSO PROBLEM**: Mon Sep 27 16:59:12 GMT 2004 Allen found a wire from +/-15V power supply that had pulled out of the new connector to allow moving the guider power supplies to their new mount. I will do the repair while Allen gets ready to do the Microtops ozone meter calibration run. ___end___ PSPT COMMENT: Mon Sep 27 17:10:10 GMT 2004 Start-up ___end___ ECHO COMMENT: Mon Sep 27 17:10:20 GMT 2004 Time OK. ___end___ **MLSO PROBLEM**: Mon Sep 27 17:10:53 GMT 2004 Wire resoldered onto connector. Repointed spar, turned guider back on. We're in business again. ___end___ Mon Sep 27 17:12:06 GMT 2004 CHIP Start Patrol Mon Sep 27 17:24:40 GMT 2004 PICS Start Patrol **PICS PROBLEM**: Mon Sep 27 17:25:14 GMT 2004 PICS stalled in init. Aborted. Had to Cancel WaitRepl and abort again. Restarting. ___end___ **MKIV PROBLEM**: Mon Sep 27 17:28:39 GMT 2004 Akamai gui looks a bit wierd, rebooting KCC. ___end___ Mon Sep 27 17:35:54 GMT 2004 MKIV Start Patrol **MKIV PROBLEM**: Mon Sep 27 17:35:59 GMT 2004 Had to power KCC down and then power up to recover. ___end___ **PICS PROBLEM**: Mon Sep 27 17:36:39 GMT 2004 Had to reboot nene from kii (rlogin) to recover. ___end___ PSPT COMMENT: Mon Sep 27 17:40:36 GMT 2004 Observing. ___end___ Mon Sep 27 17:43:44 GMT 2004 PICS Start Patrol Mon Sep 27 18:00:50 GMT 2004 CHIP LSD Mon Sep 27 18:02:31 GMT 2004 CHIP End LSD Mon Sep 27 18:02:32 GMT 2004 PICS Flat Mon Sep 27 18:02:51 GMT 2004 CHIP BiasLSD Mon Sep 27 18:03:49 GMT 2004 CHIP End BiasLSD Mon Sep 27 18:03:58 GMT 2004 CHIP Bias Mon Sep 27 18:04:50 GMT 2004 CHIP End Bias Mon Sep 27 18:04:57 GMT 2004 CHIP ReStart Patrol Mon Sep 27 18:05:07 GMT 2004 PICS End Flat Mon Sep 27 18:05:14 GMT 2004 PICS ReStart Patrol Mon Sep 27 18:05:46 GMT 2004 MKIV End Patrol Mon Sep 27 18:05:52 GMT 2004 MKIV Start Cal Mon Sep 27 18:24:35 GMT 2004 MKIV End Cal MKIV COMMENT: Mon Sep 27 18:26:34 GMT 2004 Centered O1. ___end___ Mon Sep 27 18:26:45 GMT 2004 MKIV Start Patrol NICE MK4 IMAGE: 1808 NICE CHIP IMAGE: 1808 NICE PICSLIMB IMAGE: 1809 NICE PICSDISC IMAGE: 1808 MKIV COMMENT: Mon Sep 27 19:04:56 GMT 2004 Centered O1. ___end___ **MKIV PROBLEM**: Mon Sep 27 19:05:18 GMT 2004 The MK4 Monitor camel-back signal looked different this morning while struggling with startup problems. Allen mentioned that he noticed the same thing on Saturday morning and that the funny signature went away when he started up mk4 observations. He also noted that he saw one of the optical elements partially in the beam when he took a look down the mk4 tube. The element was the tilt plates. We have always had the problem where the tilt plates slip down a bit when power is turned off. In the past, they did not droop far enough into the beam to cause any problem. Apparently they are now drooping into the beam. I have always done a Tilt-In and then a Tilt-Out first thing in the morning to make sure the plates are out of the beam but did not do that this morning before working on the guider. Procedure may need to be done in the future due to the additional slip. The monitor signature with the tilt plate slipped into the beam a little ways can fool the observer into thinking that the mk4 has still not cleared the dome cylinder and may delay mk4 observation startup. ___end___ Mon Sep 27 19:24:07 GMT 2004 CHIP End Patrol Mon Sep 27 19:24:27 GMT 2004 PICS End Patrol COMMENT: Mon Sep 27 19:24:25 GMT 2004 Stopping to reconfigure dome shutter. ___end___ Mon Sep 27 19:25:48 GMT 2004 MKIV End Patrol Mon Sep 27 19:30:13 GMT 2004 MKIV Start Patrol Mon Sep 27 19:30:16 GMT 2004 CHIP Start Patrol Mon Sep 27 19:30:27 GMT 2004 PICS Start Patrol **PSPT PROBLEM**: Mon Sep 27 19:34:48 GMT 2004 PSPT crashed at 1921 UT writing data. Killed and restarted. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Sep 27 19:54:24 GMT 2004 In orographic clouds. ___end___ Mon Sep 27 20:01:46 GMT 2004 CHIP End Patrol Mon Sep 27 20:01:59 GMT 2004 PICS End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Sep 27 20:02:05 GMT 2004 In thick, extensive overcast, idling instruments. ___end___ Mon Sep 27 20:05:57 GMT 2004 MKIV End Patrol COMMENT: Mon Sep 27 20:06:41 GMT 2004 Closed domes as a precaution. ___end___ GONG COMMENT: Mon Sep 27 20:36:25 GMT 2004 Performed weekly GONG PM. ___end___ Mon Sep 27 23:21:53 GMT 2004 MkIV 17_35.rawmk4 18_08.rawmk4 18_47.rawmk4 19_16.rawmk4 19_50.rawmk4 17_38.rawmk4 18_15.rawmk4 18_50.rawmk4 19_19.rawmk4 19_53.rawmk4 17_41.rawmk4 18_21.rawmk4 18_53.rawmk4 19_22.rawmk4 19_56.rawmk4 17_44.rawmk4 18_26.rawmk4 18_56.rawmk4 19_30.rawmk4 19_59.rawmk4 17_47.rawmk4 18_29.rawmk4 18_59.rawmk4 19_33.rawmk4 20_02.rawmk4 17_50.rawmk4 18_32.rawmk4 19_01.rawmk4 19_36.rawmk4 c18_05.rawmk4 17_53.rawmk4 18_35.rawmk4 19_04.rawmk4 19_39.rawmk4 c18_12.rawmk4 17_56.rawmk4 18_38.rawmk4 19_07.rawmk4 19_42.rawmk4 c18_18.rawmk4 17_59.rawmk4 18_41.rawmk4 19_10.rawmk4 19_44.rawmk4 18_02.rawmk4 18_44.rawmk4 19_13.rawmk4 19_47.rawmk4