----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sat May 28 16:22:07 GMT 2005 Year: 05 Doy: 148 Observer: stueben WEATHER COMMENT: Sat May 28 16:23:46 GMT 2005 Thin cirrostratus cover much of the sky, wind southeast 5-10mph, temp 43F. ___end___ Sat May 28 16:30:21 GMT 2005 CHIP Start Patrol Sat May 28 16:30:37 GMT 2005 PICS Start Patrol ECHO COMMENT: Sat May 28 16:34:07 GMT 2005 Time OK. ___end___ A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Sat May 28 16:43:02 GMT 2005 PSPT COMMENT: Sat May 28 17:06:28 GMT 2005 Observing. ___end___ Sat May 28 18:00:49 GMT 2005 CHIP LSD Sat May 28 18:01:20 GMT 2005 PICS Flat Sat May 28 18:02:33 GMT 2005 CHIP End LSD Sat May 28 18:02:39 GMT 2005 CHIP BiasLSD Sat May 28 18:03:30 GMT 2005 CHIP End BiasLSD Sat May 28 18:03:36 GMT 2005 CHIP Bias Sat May 28 18:03:34 GMT 2005 PICS End Flat Sat May 28 18:03:41 GMT 2005 PICS ReStart Patrol Sat May 28 18:04:29 GMT 2005 CHIP End Bias Sat May 28 18:04:34 GMT 2005 CHIP ReStart Patrol **PSPT PROBLEM**: Sat May 28 19:21:52 GMT 2005 Crashed about 19:00UT, killed and restarted. ___end___ Sat May 28 19:22:40 GMT 2005 CHIP End Patrol Sat May 28 19:22:55 GMT 2005 PICS End Patrol Sat May 28 19:30:15 GMT 2005 CHIP Start Patrol Sat May 28 19:30:24 GMT 2005 PICS Start Patrol COMMENT: Sat May 28 19:31:05 GMT 2005 Reconfigured dome shutter. ___end___ Sat May 28 20:22:32 GMT 2005 MKIV Start Patrol Sat May 28 21:03:02 GMT 2005 PICS End Patrol Sat May 28 21:07:11 GMT 2005 MKIV End Patrol **PSPT PROBLEM**: Sat May 28 21:07:56 GMT 2005 Crashed about 20:25, killed and restarted. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Sat May 28 21:56:07 GMT 2005 Orographic clouds are beginning to degrade images. ___end___ Sat May 28 22:03:47 GMT 2005 CHIP End Patrol Sat May 28 22:04:17 GMT 2005 PICS End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Sat May 28 22:05:01 GMT 2005 Clouds have rapidly become dense, instruments idled. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Sat May 28 23:50:17 GMT 2005 Solid overcast and blowing fog, domes closed. ___end___ Sun May 29 00:33:20 GMT 2005 MkIV 20_22.rawmk4 20_25.rawmk4