----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thu Jun 2 16:36:19 GMT 2005 Year: 05 Doy: 153 Observer: stueben WEATHER COMMENT: Thu Jun 2 16:37:17 GMT 2005 Thin to moderate density cirrostratus cover most of the sky, wind southeast 10-15 mph, temp 46F. ___end___ ECHO COMMENT: Thu Jun 2 16:39:18 GMT 2005 Time OK. ___end___ Thu Jun 2 16:43:34 GMT 2005 CHIP Start Patrol Thu Jun 2 16:43:52 GMT 2005 PICS Start Patrol Thu Jun 2 18:01:41 GMT 2005 CHIP LSD Thu Jun 2 18:02:21 GMT 2005 PICS Flat Thu Jun 2 18:03:31 GMT 2005 CHIP End LSD Thu Jun 2 18:03:37 GMT 2005 CHIP BiasLSD Thu Jun 2 18:04:28 GMT 2005 CHIP End BiasLSD Thu Jun 2 18:04:34 GMT 2005 CHIP Bias Thu Jun 2 18:04:41 GMT 2005 PICS End Flat Thu Jun 2 18:04:47 GMT 2005 PICS ReStart Patrol Thu Jun 2 18:05:24 GMT 2005 CHIP End Bias Thu Jun 2 18:05:30 GMT 2005 CHIP ReStart Patrol Thu Jun 2 19:38:45 GMT 2005 PICS End Patrol Thu Jun 2 19:38:59 GMT 2005 CHIP End Patrol Thu Jun 2 19:45:57 GMT 2005 CHIP Start Patrol Thu Jun 2 19:46:07 GMT 2005 PICS Start Patrol COMMENT: Thu Jun 2 19:46:45 GMT 2005 Reconfigured dome shutter. ___end___ **PSPT PROBLEM**: Thu Jun 2 23:05:49 GMT 2005 The pointing problem is fixed. The Dec and RA pointing has been getting worse to the point that the RA needed a lot of adjustment and the normally good Dec was not pointing well at all. Both were suffering from friction in the drive train, so I removed and cleaned and adjusted both Dec and RA drivetrains and found ways to improve the action, the grease was still good but I spread it around better too. I removed and discarded the useless dust seals that were ground to powder that fell inside the boxes and probably added up to 50 years worth of dust that the box would have seen if it were open on one side. I left the metal seal retainer rings in place since they help to keep dust out but I adjusted those so they wouldn't rub against the outer clutch plate and cause friction and metal dust anymore. Dust is not a problem in those boxes, seals aren't needed, the tiny crack around the clutch adjustment cylinder won't let in much of anything, and those gears would probably work fine if you poured sand on them. The instrument pointed very nicely after that, so I started observations. No need to try to find just the right clutch friction now, just loosen them to manually point the telescope then tighten them firmly before observations. -Darryl ___end___ Fri Jun 3 01:21:31 GMT 2005 CHIP End Patrol Fri Jun 3 01:21:40 GMT 2005 PICS End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Jun 3 01:24:08 GMT 2005 Starting to get blowing fog, idled instruments and closed domes. ___end___ NICE CHIP IMAGE: 2028 NICE PICSDISC IMAGE: 2031 NICE PICSLIMB IMAGE: 2032 Fri Jun 3 01:35:33 GMT 2005 MkIV