----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jun 7 16:56:07 GMT 2005 Year: 05 Doy: 158 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jun 7 16:56:08 GMT 2005 Medium to thick cirrostratus, wind=15 mph from the SE. temp=40F. ___end___ COMMENT: Tue Jun 7 16:57:09 GMT 2005 No obs until clouds thin out. ___end___ GONG COMMENT: Tue Jun 7 16:57:27 GMT 2005 Delivered a package to shelter. ___end___ Tue Jun 7 17:20:40 GMT 2005 CHIP Start Patrol COMMENT: Tue Jun 7 17:20:48 GMT 2005 Spar is starting to track through clouds, starting some instruments. ___end___ Tue Jun 7 17:27:39 GMT 2005 PICS Start Patrol **PICS PROBLEM**: Tue Jun 7 17:28:04 GMT 2005 Didn't get past Program: Init, did a pau/run cycle to fix it. ___end___ Tue Jun 7 17:30:39 GMT 2005 PICS Start Patrol A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Tue Jun 7 17:53:20 GMT 2005 Tue Jun 7 18:01:25 GMT 2005 PICS Flat Tue Jun 7 18:02:55 GMT 2005 CHIP LSD Tue Jun 7 18:03:46 GMT 2005 PICS End Flat Tue Jun 7 18:03:52 GMT 2005 PICS ReStart Patrol Tue Jun 7 18:04:35 GMT 2005 CHIP End LSD Tue Jun 7 18:04:46 GMT 2005 CHIP BiasLSD Tue Jun 7 18:05:37 GMT 2005 CHIP End BiasLSD Tue Jun 7 18:05:43 GMT 2005 CHIP Bias Tue Jun 7 18:06:34 GMT 2005 CHIP End Bias Tue Jun 7 18:06:40 GMT 2005 CHIP ReStart Patrol Tue Jun 7 18:50:36 GMT 2005 CHIP End Patrol Tue Jun 7 18:50:53 GMT 2005 PICS End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jun 7 18:50:50 GMT 2005 I can see a thick bank of fog rolling in from the East, pausing instruments and closing domes. ___end___ **PSPT PROBLEM**: Tue Jun 7 21:19:31 GMT 2005 PSPT isn't being run at Bunny's request. ___end___ Tue Jun 7 21:43:14 GMT 2005 CHIP Start Patrol Tue Jun 7 21:43:30 GMT 2005 PICS Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jun 7 21:43:15 GMT 2005 Low clouds have cleared, opened domes, restarting some instruments. ___end___ COMMENT: Tue Jun 7 23:41:30 GMT 2005 Lost guiding in Dec, repointed and reset guider. ___end___ Wed Jun 8 01:19:47 GMT 2005 CHIP End Patrol Wed Jun 8 01:20:18 GMT 2005 PICS End Patrol NICE PICSDISC IMAGE: 2207 NICE CHIP IMAGE: 0007 Wed Jun 8 01:48:14 GMT 2005 MkIV