----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Jul 19 16:36:39 GMT 2005 Year: 05 Doy: 200 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jul 19 16:36:41 GMT 2005 Thick cirrostratus and altocumulus overcast, wind=5 mph from the SE, temp=40F. ___end___ COMMENT: Tue Jul 19 16:53:49 GMT 2005 Spar not tracking yet. ___end___ A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Tue Jul 19 16:58:41 GMT 2005 A NEW PSPT EXABYTE IS LOADED ON KENOBI Tue Jul 19 17:01:26 GMT 2005 GONG COMMENT: Tue Jul 19 18:22:19 GMT 2005 Going to shelter to do the tape change. ___end___ GONG COMMENT: Tue Jul 19 18:46:25 GMT 2005 Back from shelter. ___end___ Tue Jul 19 21:07:51 GMT 2005 CHIP Start Patrol Tue Jul 19 21:08:04 GMT 2005 PICS Start Patrol COMMENT: Tue Jul 19 21:08:18 GMT 2005 Spar is barely tracking, starting most instruments. ___end___ PSPT COMMENT: Tue Jul 19 21:23:28 GMT 2005 Observing. ___end___ Tue Jul 19 21:50:09 GMT 2005 CHIP End Patrol Tue Jul 19 21:51:23 GMT 2005 PICS End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Jul 19 21:52:37 GMT 2005 Clouds thickened again, spar not tracking, paused instruments. ___end___ Wed Jul 20 00:53:12 GMT 2005 CHIP Start Patrol Wed Jul 20 00:53:24 GMT 2005 PICS Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Jul 20 00:53:09 GMT 2005 Spar is barely tracking again, restarting some instruments. ___end___ Wed Jul 20 01:39:14 GMT 2005 CHIP End Patrol Wed Jul 20 01:39:19 GMT 2005 PICS End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Jul 20 01:39:19 GMT 2005 Spar not tracking sun due to clouds, pausing instruments. ___end___ NICE CHIP IMAGE: 0059 NICE PICSDISC IMAGE: 0059 Wed Jul 20 02:06:56 GMT 2005 MkIV