----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 17 17:04:04 GMT 2006 Year: 06 Doy: 076 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Mar 17 17:04:39 GMT 2006 Continued heavy overcast, frost on road, boardwalks very slick, snow on MK & ML summits. W wind 5 mph, temp 35 F. ___end___ **GONG PROBLEM**: Fri Mar 17 20:12:45 GMT 2006 Have been down at GONG shelter from around 1830 UT working with the GONG PM team. They are teaching me how to do the fine alignment on their modulator in case they do not get any clear sky today. We did a mechanical alignment that should be close but fine tweaks using an inserted polarizer and a digital o'scope may be needed to do final alignment with a clear sky after the team leaves the island. Came back up to start another mssrestore run while they set up the o'scope. Going back down to get more training and to assist with PM. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Mar 17 21:15:14 GMT 2006 In fog. ___end___ **GONG PROBLEM**: Fri Mar 17 21:15:22 GMT 2006 Still down at GONG. ___end___ **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sat Mar 18 01:01:35 GMT 2006 Network went down. Last mssrestore script just finished and I received email that it finished before the net went down. Cannot confirm mssrestore success until network goes back up. Hawaiian Telcom van has been up here since around 12:30 HST. ___end___ GONG COMMENT: Sat Mar 18 01:15:22 GMT 2006 Shutting down here and going back down to GONG. ___end___ COMMENT: Sat Mar 18 01:15:45 GMT 2006 10 man-hours on site. ___end___ Sat Mar 18 01:16:18 GMT 2006 MkIV