----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Mar 24 17:34:37 GMT 2006 Year: 06 Doy: 083 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Mar 24 17:34:45 GMT 2006 Chaotic sky, blowing drizzle off of cap cloud and high cloud bank to west. S wind 31 mph, temp 37 F. ___end___ COMMENT: Fri Mar 24 17:37:10 GMT 2006 Read HELCO meters on the way up. Also spent some time clearing road of dropped nails, screws, tools, large metal rod, and broken 2X4s probably from construction vehicles or crane transports that have been coming up to site over the last couple of days. ___end___ **MLSO PROBLEM**: Fri Mar 24 18:21:27 GMT 2006 Logged into odo this morning but couldn't find my home directory to work on data reduction. Cannot ping hao. Email from Boulder mail server not coming down. Getting local email from kaiee. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Mar 24 20:06:58 GMT 2006 In fog and light rain. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Sat Mar 25 01:38:02 GMT 2006 Stayed overcast/cloudy/fog/drizzle all day. 20+ mph winds all day, gusts to 35 mph. ___end___ **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sat Mar 25 01:46:54 GMT 2006 Email between MLSO and HAO/UCAR down all day. I could not receive any email from hao servers, only received spam emailed to me via kaiee. I could connect to odo and to hao via VPN/putty but could not log into my home directory once there--all day. Emailed trouble@hao and curiously got an automated "queued-up" email back. No response the rest of the day from trouble. No mssrestore processed today. ___end___ COMMENT: Sat Mar 25 01:53:02 GMT 2006 8.5 man-hours on site. ___end___ Sat Mar 25 01:53:50 GMT 2006 MkIV