----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 8 17:31:30 GMT 2007 Year: 07 Doy: 008 Observer: stueben WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Jan 8 17:32:58 GMT 2007 Mostly clear but some scattered cirrus, wind south 5 mph, temp 35F. Frost on the upper part of the road and thick frost on boardwalk. ___end___ SBM COMMENT: Mon Jan 8 17:38:15 GMT 2007 Observing ___end___ Mon Jan 8 17:38:29 GMT 2007 PICS Start Patrol PICS COMMENT: Mon Jan 8 17:38:25 GMT 2007 Cleaned front surface of O1. ___end___ Mon Jan 8 17:39:06 GMT 2007 CHIP Start Patrol PSPT COMMENT: Mon Jan 8 17:39:29 GMT 2007 Starting up. ___end___ PSPT COMMENT: Mon Jan 8 17:55:27 GMT 2007 Observing ___end___ Mon Jan 8 17:56:05 GMT 2007 MKIV Start Patrol Mon Jan 8 18:00:14 GMT 2007 PICS Flat Mon Jan 8 18:00:47 GMT 2007 CHIP LSD Mon Jan 8 18:02:33 GMT 2007 CHIP End LSD Mon Jan 8 18:02:36 GMT 2007 PICS End Flat Mon Jan 8 18:02:46 GMT 2007 CHIP BiasLSD Mon Jan 8 18:02:47 GMT 2007 PICS ReStart Patrol Mon Jan 8 18:03:44 GMT 2007 CHIP End BiasLSD Mon Jan 8 18:03:56 GMT 2007 CHIP Bias Mon Jan 8 18:04:54 GMT 2007 CHIP End Bias Mon Jan 8 18:05:06 GMT 2007 CHIP ReStart Patrol Mon Jan 8 18:55:21 GMT 2007 MKIV End Patrol Mon Jan 8 18:55:28 GMT 2007 MKIV Start Cal Mon Jan 8 19:14:10 GMT 2007 MKIV End Cal Mon Jan 8 19:14:16 GMT 2007 MKIV Start Patrol **PSPT PROBLEM**: Mon Jan 8 19:30:45 GMT 2007 Crashed about 1845UT, killed and restarted. ___end___ Mon Jan 8 19:49:46 GMT 2007 MKIV End Patrol Mon Jan 8 19:57:29 GMT 2007 CHIP End Patrol Mon Jan 8 19:58:24 GMT 2007 PICS End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Jan 8 19:58:38 GMT 2007 In denser band of clouds, instruments idled. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Jan 8 21:26:00 GMT 2007 In dark, thick orographic clouds. Closing domes as a precaution. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Jan 8 22:03:28 GMT 2007 Raining. ___end___ GONG COMMENT: Mon Jan 8 22:15:07 GMT 2007 Going down to GONG to stow turret. NWS predicting winter storm warnings between now and Wednesday evening so there may be a chance of heavy precipitation, freezing temperatures and possibly snow. ___end___ GONG COMMENT: Mon Jan 8 22:30:50 GMT 2007 Performed GONG weekly PM earlier, BTW. ___end___ NICE MK4 IMAGE: 1910 NICE CHIP IMAGE: 1911 NICE PICSLIMB IMAGE: 1909 NICE PICSDISC IMAGE: 1911 Mon Jan 8 22:35:31 GMT 2007 MkIV 17_56.rawmk4 18_19.rawmk4 18_43.rawmk4 19_17.rawmk4 19_40.rawmk4 17_59.rawmk4 18_22.rawmk4 18_46.rawmk4 19_20.rawmk4 19_43.rawmk4 18_02.rawmk4 18_25.rawmk4 18_49.rawmk4 19_23.rawmk4 19_46.rawmk4 18_05.rawmk4 18_28.rawmk4 18_51.rawmk4 19_26.rawmk4 c18_55.rawmk4 18_07.rawmk4 18_31.rawmk4 18_58.rawmk4 19_28.rawmk4 c19_01.rawmk4 18_10.rawmk4 18_34.rawmk4 19_04.rawmk4 19_31.rawmk4 c19_07.rawmk4 18_13.rawmk4 18_37.rawmk4 19_10.rawmk4 19_34.rawmk4 18_16.rawmk4 18_40.rawmk4 19_14.rawmk4 19_37.rawmk4