----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Feb 18 17:18:46 GMT 2007 Year: 07 Doy: 049 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Feb 18 17:18:47 GMT 2007 Altocumulus overcast, wind=20 mph from the SSE, no obs until weather improves. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Feb 18 19:29:19 GMT 2007 Winds are at 28 mph and gusting to 38 mph. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Feb 18 20:54:49 GMT 2007 Gusting to 43 mph, still a little cloudy, will keep domes closed for now. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Feb 18 22:27:53 GMT 2007 Clouds are thick again, still very windy. ___end___ **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sun Feb 18 22:57:59 GMT 2007 I checked out the main dome azimuth slipping problem that Allen talked about on last Thursday. The motor mount bolts were loose, tightening them mostly fixed the problem. I worked on improving this section of the track maybe a year ago, there are 3 layers that are misaligned and difficult to align. If you stop the dome on this section and then try to start moving it then the drive gear will often slip a few cogs, since that may wear down the section even more I'll try to make it stiffer and possibly grind down some track like I did last time. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Feb 19 01:55:29 GMT 2007 Too cloudy and windy to observe today. ___end___ **MLSO PROBLEM**: Mon Feb 19 01:55:45 GMT 2007 I used the dremel to grind down the track in the bad section in a way that will minimize the upward movement of the drive gear, so it won't jump out of the track. I added 2 bolts to the track junctions to hold it together better, and I tightened existing track bolts. Testing shows that it is better than I ever remember it being, it is smooth even if you stop right on the bad section and try to move it again, no gear slipping. ___end___ Mon Feb 19 02:08:16 GMT 2007 MkIV