----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jul 15 17:10:38 GMT 2007 Year: 07 Doy: 196 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Jul 15 17:10:40 GMT 2007 Clear sky, wind=5 mph from the East, temp=50F. ___end___ COMMENT: Sun Jul 15 17:11:22 GMT 2007 I started PICS and CHIP a while ago, I didn't start the log with the "run" command because I wanted to change the Max Video 200 board in KCC first, see below. ___end___ **MKIV PROBLEM**: Sun Jul 15 17:12:45 GMT 2007 We received the Max Video 200 board, I removed the old board from KCC and was going to swap in the new board before starting up KCC and doing a "run", but I ran into a slight problem. The new board has one more sim board on it compared to the old board, and more importantly it has another large board connected and on "stand-offs" from the main board compared to the old board. It is difficult to separate the boards and I'm not sure I should run the video board with that 2nd board on it. I'll send off email about it, it may have to wait until tomorrow to be tested. No mk4 obs for now. ___end___ **MKIV PROBLEM**: Sun Jul 15 17:17:45 GMT 2007 That 2nd board is labeled "Advanced Processor". ___end___ A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Sun Jul 15 17:40:51 GMT 2007 PSPT COMMENT: Sun Jul 15 17:48:40 GMT 2007 Obs. ___end___ Sun Jul 15 18:00:16 GMT 2007 PICS Flat Sun Jul 15 18:02:37 GMT 2007 PICS End Flat Sun Jul 15 18:02:45 GMT 2007 CHIP LSD Sun Jul 15 18:02:44 GMT 2007 PICS ReStart Patrol Sun Jul 15 18:04:34 GMT 2007 CHIP End LSD Sun Jul 15 18:04:44 GMT 2007 CHIP BiasLSD Sun Jul 15 18:05:40 GMT 2007 CHIP End BiasLSD Sun Jul 15 18:05:49 GMT 2007 CHIP Bias Sun Jul 15 18:06:42 GMT 2007 CHIP End Bias Sun Jul 15 18:06:51 GMT 2007 CHIP ReStart Patrol COMMENT: Sun Jul 15 20:19:32 GMT 2007 Extended the dome slot. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Jul 16 01:16:55 GMT 2007 Getting some low clouds. ___end___ **MKIV PROBLEM**: Mon Jul 16 01:17:05 GMT 2007 David sent a message that it should be OK to try the new board with the extra SIM and additional Module board. So I tried it but got the error message: workQPanic : kernel work queue overflow then it would autoboot again, and that whole pattern kept repeating until I turned off the KCC power. I removed the new board and rechecked everything, the DIP switches match the old main board, there aren't any jumpers, but the 1st little board in from the big connector, at slot P27, was different on the new main board. That little board is connected via ribbon cable to the connector, it seems like a permanent connection. I'd like to try that board and connector pair from the old main board on the new main board, I emailed David and others to see what they think, I won't try it until I get a reply, to be safe. ___end___ Mon Jul 16 02:01:35 GMT 2007 PICS End Patrol **MKIV PROBLEM**: Mon Jul 16 01:54:28 GMT 2007 OK, a little progress, swapping the old big ribbon connector and the little board to which it is hardwired with the same assembly on the new main Video 200 board allowed the GUI screen to look like normal and the startup script to get further but not normal yet. There is an error message: workQPanic : kernel work queue overflow then it autoboots, that repeats like before, and the GUI screen changes colors. That's it for now, I'm going to head down for today. Give me a call at home if there are any questions. ___end___ Mon Jul 16 02:37:49 GMT 2007 CHIP End Patrol **MKIV PROBLEM**: Mon Jul 16 02:42:03 GMT 2007 Tried one more thing. Reassembled the old and new boards as they were originally, installed the new board into the KCC, still get workQPanic error message followed by autobooting, repeatedly. But now the GUI screen looks normal, not sure why, the first time when it looked grey I turned on the GUI monitor after the KCC was turned on, that's the only difference I think. ___end___ NICE PICSDISC IMAGE: 1723 NICE PICSLIMB IMAGE: 1839 NICE CHIP IMAGE: 1717 Mon Jul 16 02:48:06 GMT 2007 MkIV