----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Sep 26 16:40:42 GMT 2007 Year: 07 Doy: 269 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Sep 26 16:40:49 GMT 2007 In thick, extensive altostratus overcast, no shodows, W wind 11 mph, temp 43 F. ___end___ GONG COMMENT: Wed Sep 26 17:39:52 GMT 2007 Going down to GONG to swap a replacement hard drive for a failed one. ___end___ GONG COMMENT: Wed Sep 26 18:31:12 GMT 2007 Back from GONG. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Sep 26 18:31:24 GMT 2007 Light drizzle ___end___ **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Sep 26 22:30:16 GMT 2007 After a bit of checking and collaboration with Ted Benning of Solution Systems Technologies, we determined that something got scrambled on the base settings of the replacement 162 board, somehow, and I will be sending the board back to him for further checking. In-service board is back in the KCC. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Sep 26 22:35:10 GMT 2007 Still totally socked in. No obs today. ___end___ Wed Sep 26 22:35:32 GMT 2007 MkIV