----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 5 17:17:44 GMT 2007 Year: 07 Doy: 339 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Dec 5 17:17:53 GMT 2007 In high cloudbank to east and south, also thick patch of cirrostratus. Hgh wind from SW 30 mph, temp 41 F. Keeping domes closed for now. ___end___ **MLSO PROBLEM**: Wed Dec 5 17:22:39 GMT 2007 Power outage yesterday afternoon. Systems weren't shut down at the time so I am addressing bring things up this morning. Logs just printed out and sent out. Nene and Kii were auto-booted, nahenahe and PSPT needed reboots. MCC was OK but KCC needed power cycled. ___end___ **GONG PROBLEM**: Wed Dec 5 18:15:25 GMT 2007 Going down to GONG to address their power related difficulties. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Dec 5 18:37:11 GMT 2007 In blowing mist off cap cloud. ___end___ GONG COMMENT: Wed Dec 5 18:37:27 GMT 2007 Back from GONG. ___end___ **PSPT PROBLEM**: Wed Dec 5 18:40:34 GMT 2007 Reset PSPT XEDAR controller timer--indication is power was out for 1 hour +/- 15 minutes. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Dec 5 19:25:25 GMT 2007 Wind howling along at 35 mph with gusts to 40 mph. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Dec 5 21:41:45 GMT 2007 Front has arrived, dark clouds enveloping island. Wind 45 mph. No rain at this time, Maui experiencing the rain and wind and power outages. ___end___ GONG COMMENT: Wed Dec 5 21:44:02 GMT 2007 Going down to stow turret for the duration. ___end___ COMMENT: Wed Dec 5 21:44:41 GMT 2007 Buttoning up MLSO -- shutting down now so that possible power outages do not leave systems in limbo. ___end___ Wed Dec 5 21:46:06 GMT 2007 MkIV