----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mon Jan 21 17:28:14 GMT 2008 Year: 08 Doy: 021 Observer: yasukawa WEATHER COMMENT: Mon Jan 21 17:28:22 GMT 2008 Cloudless but bright sky, SE wind 20 mph, temp 30 F. ___end___ COMMENT: Mon Jan 21 17:28:55 GMT 2008 Kaiee, kenobi and oopu have booted up overnight. Kii is still off, will investigate later on. ___end___ Mon Jan 21 17:37:47 GMT 2008 PICS Start Patrol PSPT COMMENT: Mon Jan 21 17:37:49 GMT 2008 Starting up. ___end___ PSPT COMMENT: Mon Jan 21 17:51:49 GMT 2008 Observing. ___end___ Mon Jan 21 17:52:14 GMT 2008 MKIV Start Patrol **CHIP PROBLEM**: Mon Jan 21 17:56:10 GMT 2008 kii appeared dead because the keyboard connector was pulled out during all the powerstrip replacement activity yesterday. kii is rebooting. ___end___ Mon Jan 21 18:02:07 GMT 2008 PICS Flat Mon Jan 21 18:04:03 GMT 2008 PICS End Flat Mon Jan 21 18:04:11 GMT 2008 PICS ReStart Patrol **CHIP PROBLEM**: Mon Jan 21 18:00:31 GMT 2008 1A replacement fuse in Kodak Megaplus blew again. I guess we should go to the higher value of 1.5A until a 1.25 A fuse can be acquired. No spare available at this time. I'll try to contact Allen to check the Kona Radio Shack. ___end___ **PICS PROBLEM**: Mon Jan 21 18:26:20 GMT 2008 PICS images not getting to oopu. ___end___ **MKIV PROBLEM**: Mon Jan 21 18:26:42 GMT 2008 MK4 images not getting to oopu. ___end___ Mon Jan 21 18:38:09 GMT 2008 PICS End Patrol Mon Jan 21 18:40:43 GMT 2008 MKIV End Patrol COMMENT: Mon Jan 21 18:40:50 GMT 2008 Did an "endp" and "end4" to stop the oopu email messages. PICS and MK4 are still running despite the log entries above. ___end___ Mon Jan 21 18:50:40 GMT 2008 MKIV End Patrol Mon Jan 21 18:50:44 GMT 2008 MKIV Start Cal Mon Jan 21 19:07:48 GMT 2008 MKIV End Patrol **MKIV PROBLEM**: Mon Jan 21 19:08:11 GMT 2008 Typed another "end4" to stop continuing emails. MK4 obs continues despite the "END PATROL" log entry. ___end___ Mon Jan 21 19:09:11 GMT 2008 MKIV End Cal Mon Jan 21 19:09:14 GMT 2008 MKIV Start Patrol Mon Jan 21 20:27:55 GMT 2008 PICS End Patrol PICS COMMENT: Mon Jan 21 20:28:00 GMT 2008 Pausing PICS briefly to move a cable. ___end___ Mon Jan 21 20:29:52 GMT 2008 PICS Start Patrol **MLSO PROBLEM**: Mon Jan 21 20:41:17 GMT 2008 Alece checked and oopu is not working because the /data disk on kenobi is 100% full. Data is not going there and has not been transferred out due to all of the power and recovery problems. ___end___ GONG COMMENT: Mon Jan 21 20:43:27 GMT 2008 Going down to GONG to do weekly PM and check if they suffered any power related problems. ___end___ Mon Jan 21 22:42:51 GMT 2008 PICS End Patrol Mon Jan 21 22:44:31 GMT 2008 MKIV End Patrol Mon Jan 21 22:47:43 GMT 2008 MkIV 17_52.rawmk4 18_53.rawmk4 19_58.rawmk4 20_56.rawmk4 21_54.rawmk4 17_55.rawmk4 18_59.rawmk4 20_01.rawmk4 20_59.rawmk4 21_57.rawmk4 17_58.rawmk4 19_06.rawmk4 20_04.rawmk4 21_02.rawmk4 22_00.rawmk4 18_01.rawmk4 19_09.rawmk4 20_07.rawmk4 21_05.rawmk4 22_03.rawmk4 18_04.rawmk4 19_12.rawmk4 20_10.rawmk4 21_08.rawmk4 22_06.rawmk4 18_06.rawmk4 19_15.rawmk4 20_13.rawmk4 21_11.rawmk4 22_09.rawmk4 18_09.rawmk4 19_17.rawmk4 20_16.rawmk4 21_14.rawmk4 22_12.rawmk4 18_12.rawmk4 19_20.rawmk4 20_19.rawmk4 21_17.rawmk4 22_15.rawmk4 18_15.rawmk4 19_23.rawmk4 20_21.rawmk4 21_20.rawmk4 22_18.rawmk4 18_18.rawmk4 19_26.rawmk4 20_24.rawmk4 21_23.rawmk4 22_21.rawmk4 18_21.rawmk4 19_29.rawmk4 20_27.rawmk4 21_25.rawmk4 22_24.rawmk4 18_24.rawmk4 19_32.rawmk4 20_30.rawmk4 21_28.rawmk4 22_26.rawmk4 18_27.rawmk4 19_35.rawmk4 20_33.rawmk4 21_31.rawmk4 22_29.rawmk4 18_30.rawmk4 19_38.rawmk4 20_36.rawmk4 21_34.rawmk4 22_32.rawmk4 18_33.rawmk4 19_41.rawmk4 20_39.rawmk4 21_37.rawmk4 22_35.rawmk4 18_36.rawmk4 19_44.rawmk4 20_42.rawmk4 21_40.rawmk4 22_38.rawmk4 18_38.rawmk4 19_47.rawmk4 20_45.rawmk4 21_43.rawmk4 22_41.rawmk4 18_41.rawmk4 19_49.rawmk4 20_48.rawmk4 21_46.rawmk4 c18_50.rawmk4 18_44.rawmk4 19_52.rawmk4 20_51.rawmk4 21_49.rawmk4 c18_56.rawmk4 18_47.rawmk4 19_55.rawmk4 20_53.rawmk4 21_52.rawmk4 c19_02.rawmk4