----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Jun 22 16:27:51 GMT 2008 Year: 08 Doy: 174 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Jun 22 16:27:52 GMT 2008 Mostly clear sky, some cirrus, wind=10mph from the South, temp=48F. ___end___ Sun Jun 22 16:32:01 GMT 2008 CHIP Start Patrol Sun Jun 22 16:33:09 GMT 2008 MKIV Start Patrol Sun Jun 22 16:34:53 GMT 2008 PICS Start Patrol PSPT COMMENT: Sun Jun 22 16:53:05 GMT 2008 Obs. ___end___ NICE CHIP IMAGE: 1644 NICE PICSLIMB IMAGE: 1649 NICE PICSDISC IMAGE: 1637 NICE MK4 IMAGE: 1642 A NEW TAPE HAS BEEN PUT INTO KAIEE DLT DRIVE, Sun Jun 22 16:55:33 GMT 2008 **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sun Jun 22 17:38:59 GMT 2008 Animations aren't getting updated past 1650 UT on Hoike. ___end___ MKIV COMMENT: Sun Jun 22 17:39:28 GMT 2008 Paused due to clouds. ___end___ **CHIP PROBLEM**: Sun Jun 22 17:41:10 GMT 2008 Error messages on Kii say Kenobi isn't responding. ___end___ Sun Jun 22 17:43:57 GMT 2008 MKIV End Patrol **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sun Jun 22 17:48:17 GMT 2008 The power LED for Kenobi was off, turned on Kenobi. ___end___ Sun Jun 22 18:02:03 GMT 2008 PICS Flat Sun Jun 22 18:02:56 GMT 2008 CHIP LSD Sun Jun 22 18:04:23 GMT 2008 PICS End Flat Sun Jun 22 18:04:31 GMT 2008 PICS ReStart Patrol Sun Jun 22 18:05:17 GMT 2008 CHIP End LSD Sun Jun 22 18:05:26 GMT 2008 CHIP BiasLSD Sun Jun 22 18:06:21 GMT 2008 CHIP End BiasLSD Sun Jun 22 18:06:30 GMT 2008 CHIP Bias Sun Jun 22 18:07:24 GMT 2008 CHIP End Bias Sun Jun 22 18:07:31 GMT 2008 CHIP ReStart Patrol Sun Jun 22 18:26:15 GMT 2008 CHIP End Patrol Sun Jun 22 18:26:39 GMT 2008 PICS End Patrol **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sun Jun 22 18:26:38 GMT 2008 Hoike animations weren't updating, rebooted Hoike, still have same problem. Stopping PICS and CHIP, will reset MCC and try again. ___end___ Sun Jun 22 18:29:11 GMT 2008 PICS Start Patrol Sun Jun 22 18:29:15 GMT 2008 CHIP Start Patrol **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sun Jun 22 18:28:59 GMT 2008 Before I could reset MCC I noticed messages on all instrument consoles saying NFS server kenobi ok Maybe just stopping the instruments helped. Will try instruments. ___end___ **CHIP PROBLEM**: Sun Jun 22 18:42:42 GMT 2008 Messages on console alternate between Kenobi "not responding" and "ok". ___end___ Sun Jun 22 19:12:42 GMT 2008 MKIV Start Cal Sun Jun 22 19:32:55 GMT 2008 CHIP Start Patrol Sun Jun 22 19:33:54 GMT 2008 MKIV Start Patrol **MLSO PROBLEM**: Sun Jun 22 19:34:37 GMT 2008 Hoike images are updating for mk4 but not PICS or CHIP - and they were stalled, did a pau/run cycle on PICS and CHIP ___end___ Sun Jun 22 19:36:05 GMT 2008 PICS Start Patrol **CHIP PROBLEM**: Sun Jun 22 19:36:17 GMT 2008 Hoike images updating again for CHIP. ___end___ PICS COMMENT: Sun Jun 22 19:47:48 GMT 2008 Hoike images are updating again for PICS too. ___end___ **MKIV PROBLEM**: Sun Jun 22 19:49:21 GMT 2008 Images for 1937 and 1940 are dark blanks. ___end___ COMMENT: Sun Jun 22 19:57:56 GMT 2008 Extended the dome slot. ___end___ Sun Jun 22 21:14:51 GMT 2008 CHIP End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Sun Jun 22 21:14:45 GMT 2008 Thick cirrostratus has moved in, pausing instruments. ___end___ Sun Jun 22 21:16:09 GMT 2008 PICS End Patrol Sun Jun 22 22:03:02 GMT 2008 MKIV End Patrol Mon Jun 23 01:52:42 GMT 2008 MkIV 16_33.rawmk4 17_08.rawmk4 19_15.rawmk4 20_05.rawmk4 20_48.rawmk4 16_36.rawmk4 17_11.rawmk4 19_23.rawmk4 20_08.rawmk4 20_51.rawmk4 16_39.rawmk4 17_14.rawmk4 19_29.rawmk4 20_12.rawmk4 20_54.rawmk4 16_42.rawmk4 17_17.rawmk4 19_37.rawmk4 20_15.rawmk4 20_57.rawmk4 16_45.rawmk4 17_20.rawmk4 19_40.rawmk4 20_18.rawmk4 21_00.rawmk4 16_47.rawmk4 17_23.rawmk4 19_44.rawmk4 20_24.rawmk4 21_04.rawmk4 16_50.rawmk4 17_26.rawmk4 19_47.rawmk4 20_28.rawmk4 21_07.rawmk4 16_53.rawmk4 17_29.rawmk4 19_50.rawmk4 20_31.rawmk4 21_10.rawmk4 16_56.rawmk4 17_31.rawmk4 19_53.rawmk4 20_34.rawmk4 21_13.rawmk4 16_59.rawmk4 17_34.rawmk4 19_56.rawmk4 20_37.rawmk4 c19_19.rawmk4 17_02.rawmk4 17_37.rawmk4 19_59.rawmk4 20_41.rawmk4 c19_26.rawmk4 17_05.rawmk4 17_40.rawmk4 20_02.rawmk4 20_45.rawmk4