----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Mar 18 17:27:51 GMT 2009 Year: 09 Doy: 077 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Mar 18 17:27:52 GMT 2009 Thick low clouds to the West blowing over MLSO, fog light rain, sunny to the East, wind=25 mph from the SW, temp=36F. ___end___ COMMENT: Wed Mar 18 17:29:21 GMT 2009 Can't open the domes yet. ___end___ **MKIV PROBLEM**: Wed Mar 18 20:06:43 GMT 2009 Still have cloudy weather and light rain now and then, but I can see that replacing the bad line driver chip gave us back our correct camera readout signal. So now we need decent weather to align the camera and get on with the rest of the setup for the new mk4 camera. We have had bad weather for a long time and combined with the line driver failure it has delayed the camera installation. On the bright side we haven't been losing much mk4 data since we wouldn't be getting any with this weather anyway. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Mar 18 20:13:08 GMT 2009 Still cloudy with a littl rain now and then. ___end___ Wed Mar 18 22:34:42 GMT 2009 MkIV