----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 31 17:07:34 GMT 2009 Year: 09 Doy: 090 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Mar 31 17:07:37 GMT 2009 Medium cirrostratus overcast, wind=5mph from the SSE, temp=40F. ___end___ COMMENT: Tue Mar 31 17:12:04 GMT 2009 No obs until clouds thin out. ___end___ PSPT COMMENT: Tue Mar 31 21:00:12 GMT 2009 obs ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Mar 31 21:11:24 GMT 2009 Low clouds are moving in. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Mar 31 21:23:12 GMT 2009 Low clouds are coming and going but the cirrostratus has thinned out a lot, will try to get some data. ___end___ Tue Mar 31 21:24:42 GMT 2009 CHIP Start Patrol Tue Mar 31 21:25:14 GMT 2009 PICS Start Patrol NICE CHIP IMAGE: 2136 NICE PICSLIMB IMAGE: 2141 NICE PICSDISC IMAGE: 2134 PSPT COMMENT: Tue Mar 31 21:45:50 GMT 2009 Crashed, restarted. ___end___ Tue Mar 31 21:55:53 GMT 2009 CHIP End Patrol Tue Mar 31 21:56:23 GMT 2009 PICS End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Mar 31 21:56:21 GMT 2009 Clouds are getting thick, pausing instruments and closing domes. ___end___ **MKIV PROBLEM**: Tue Mar 31 22:20:38 GMT 2009 Still awaiting clear sky to continue with next step of camera installation. Continued dark noise testing the camera, the single largest contributor to the noise can be seen when I turn on the cold camera via KCC and watch the noise grow over the next hour, turning on the camera heater adds a little more noise to the standard warmed-up camera noise level, and leaving the camera heater on overnight causes the camera to have an instant noise level upon turning on the KCC that is roughly equivalent to the warmed-up camera noise level w/o the camera heater on. It seems as though this was a design choice to reduce the change in noise level during the startup of the camera as it warms up from a cold start. It seems like it would be better to cool the camera if possible to keep the noise level constantly lower. Even leaving the camera heater off would give a lower steady-state noise level, but the transient noise change would be there during startup. Is that transient noise change undesirable? ___end___ Tue Mar 31 22:29:37 GMT 2009 MkIV