----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Apr 3 17:11:57 GMT 2009 Year: 09 Doy: 093 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Apr 3 17:11:58 GMT 2009 Thick altocumulus overcast, no wind, temp=37F, frosty road and boardwalk. ___end___ COMMENT: Fri Apr 3 17:12:37 GMT 2009 No obs until clouds thin out. ___end___ **MKIV PROBLEM**: Fri Apr 3 22:00:58 GMT 2009 Lots of email traffic about noise I've been seeing. David says it is new noise and that it is OK to remove the heater wrap and keep the camera cool like I would like to try. So I removed the heater wrap and will peak the alignment the first chance I get on a clear day, then continue with the new camera installation and see what we get for data. I also tried the old camera one more time on the cables to see if the noise was visible and if anything changed since the installation of the replacement for the bad line driver chip, still the same, can't see the noise because there is absolutely no signal coming out of the analog output on that camera, and power supply voltage stills gets pulled down like before. Will contact Dalsa about possibly repairing the old camera next week. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Apr 3 22:50:58 GMT 2009 Cloudy all day. ___end___ Fri Apr 3 23:00:44 GMT 2009 MkIV