----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Dec 4 17:11:54 GMT 2009 Year: 09 Doy: 338 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Dec 4 17:11:55 GMT 2009 Mostly clear sky, some clouds and rain nearby, wind=30mph from the SW, temp=35F ___end___ COMMENT: Fri Dec 4 17:13:04 GMT 2009 No obs until I'm sure clouds and rain won't pass over MLSO. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Dec 4 19:35:51 GMT 2009 Still have a thin fog blowing over. ___end___ COMMENT: Fri Dec 4 21:45:42 GMT 2009 I took some pictures of the MLSO electrical system at the service entrances and the panels, and the ground system. I put the pictures on Kenobi in /data/tmp/MLSO Electrical Pictures for Boulders folks to download and for the UCAR electrician David Patterson to study in preparation for some modifications we will be doing to improve our resistance to brownouts and surges at MLSO. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Dec 4 22:19:29 GMT 2009 No obs due to clouds and fog and high winds. ___end___ Fri Dec 4 23:13:14 GMT 2009 MkIV