----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Apr 14 16:49:53 GMT 2010 Year: 10 Doy: 104 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Apr 14 16:51:28 GMT 2010 Thich cirrus clouds, temp 38F, wind 10mph from SW ___end___ NOTE BY BEN: Wed Apr 14 16:58:16 GMT 2010 The Mk4 vme display didnt come up the first time. I had to reboot the rack before it would come up. ___end___ NOTE BY BEN: Wed Apr 14 16:59:56 GMT 2010 Domes will stay closed for a bit the disk of the sun is not visisble through the clouds ___end___ Wed Apr 14 17:01:05 GMT 2010 MKIV End Patrol Wed Apr 14 17:01:07 GMT 2010 CHIP End Patrol NOTE BY BEN: Wed Apr 14 17:29:15 GMT 2010 Domes opened trying for a sucker hole, but sky transmission is still very low 100 ___end___ Wed Apr 14 20:40:52 GMT 2010 CHIP Start Patrol Wed Apr 14 23:02:40 GMT 2010 CHIP LSD Wed Apr 14 23:04:41 GMT 2010 CHIP End LSD Wed Apr 14 23:04:48 GMT 2010 CHIP BiasLSD Wed Apr 14 23:05:22 GMT 2010 CHIP End BiasLSD Wed Apr 14 23:05:31 GMT 2010 CHIP Bias Wed Apr 14 23:06:03 GMT 2010 CHIP End Bias Wed Apr 14 23:06:08 GMT 2010 CHIP ReStart Patrol Thu Apr 15 00:26:16 GMT 2010 CHIP End Patrol NOTE BY BEN: Thu Apr 15 00:26:25 GMT 2010 sun disapearing into thick cirrus again ___end___ Thu Apr 15 00:43:43 GMT 2010 CHIP Start Patrol Thu Apr 15 00:47:10 GMT 2010 CHIP End Patrol Thu Apr 15 01:10:15 GMT 2010 CHIP Start Patrol Thu Apr 15 01:52:51 GMT 2010 CHIP End Patrol Thu Apr 15 01:53:06 GMT 2010 MkIV