----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 22 17:08:24 GMT 2010 Year: 10 Doy: 356 Observer: berkey Wed Dec 22 17:17:03 GMT 2010: PSPT Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Dec 22 17:17:13 GMT 2010 Mostly clear with some patch cirus, temp 41f, wind 5mph from NW ___end___ Wed Dec 22 17:26:36 GMT 2010 H-ALPHA Start Patrol Wed Dec 22 17:27:40 GMT 2010 CHIP Start Patrol Wed Dec 22 17:31:20 GMT 2010 COMP Start Patrol Wed Dec 22 18:03:35 GMT 2010 MKIV Start Patrol **CHIP PROBLEM COMMENT BY BEN**: Wed Dec 22 18:03:40 GMT 2010 Chip crashed ___end___ Wed Dec 22 18:08:06 GMT 2010 CHIP End Patrol Wed Dec 22 18:09:40 GMT 2010 CHIP Start Patrol **GONG PROBLEM COMMENT BY BEN**: Wed Dec 22 18:39:05 GMT 2010 Gong isnt tracking the sun properly ___end___ Wed Dec 22 18:40:31 GMT 2010 CHIP Start Patrol Wed Dec 22 19:01:34 GMT 2010: PSPT Start Patrol Wed Dec 22 19:16:44 GMT 2010 COMP End Patrol Wed Dec 22 19:20:42 GMT 2010 MKIV End Patrol Wed Dec 22 19:41:15 GMT 2010: PSPT Abort Patrol NOTE BY BEN: Wed Dec 22 19:42:06 GMT 2010 The mountian is starting to fog up, domes are now closed ___end___ Wed Dec 22 19:42:20 GMT 2010 CHIP End Patrol Wed Dec 22 19:44:01 GMT 2010 H-ALPHA End Patrol NOTE BY BEN: Thu Dec 23 00:55:40 GMT 2010 Rain and Hail ___end___ NOTE BY BEN: Thu Dec 23 01:07:13 GMT 2010 Some water was dripping off the shutter on to the Comp control workstation up stairs. I adjusted the dome and computer location to prevent more from coming in. We are also starting to see som leakage in the PSPT roof ___end___ **PSPT PROBLEM COMMENT BY BEN**: Thu Dec 23 01:11:16 GMT 2010 I am shutting down pspt computer and electronics becasue there is a lot of pooling water near the SUN machine, we have been getting power flickers, and I still hear thunder in the distance. ___end___ Thu Dec 23 01:21:16 GMT 2010 MkIV 18_03.rawmk4 18_21.rawmk4 18_39.rawmk4 18_56.rawmk4 19_14.rawmk4 18_06.rawmk4 18_24.rawmk4 18_42.rawmk4 18_59.rawmk4 19_17.rawmk4 18_09.rawmk4 18_27.rawmk4 18_44.rawmk4 19_02.rawmk4 18_12.rawmk4 18_30.rawmk4 18_47.rawmk4 19_05.rawmk4 18_15.rawmk4 18_33.rawmk4 18_50.rawmk4 19_08.rawmk4 18_18.rawmk4 18_36.rawmk4 18_53.rawmk4 19_11.rawmk4