----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Mar 29 17:15:57 GMT 2011 Year: 11 Doy: 088 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Mar 29 17:15:58 GMT 2011 Thin to medium cirrostratus overcast, wind=13mph from the S, temp=39F. ___end___ Tue Mar 29 17:23:34 GMT 2011 H-ALPHA Start Patrol Tue Mar 29 17:25:10 GMT 2011 CHIP Start Patrol Tue Mar 29 18:01:43 GMT 2011 CHIP LSD Tue Mar 29 18:03:18 GMT 2011 CHIP End LSD Tue Mar 29 18:03:24 GMT 2011 CHIP BiasLSD Tue Mar 29 18:04:10 GMT 2011 CHIP End BiasLSD Tue Mar 29 18:04:16 GMT 2011 CHIP Bias Tue Mar 29 18:04:58 GMT 2011 CHIP End Bias Tue Mar 29 18:05:03 GMT 2011 CHIP ReStart Patrol Tue Mar 29 18:46:59 GMT 2011 CHIP End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Mar 29 18:47:07 GMT 2011 Clouds are thick, pausing instruments. ___end___ Tue Mar 29 18:49:15 GMT 2011 H-ALPHA End Patrol Tue Mar 29 19:00:26 GMT 2011 MKIV Start Cal Tue Mar 29 19:00:46 GMT 2011 H-ALPHA Start Patrol Tue Mar 29 19:00:46 GMT 2011 CHIP Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT BY DARRYL: Tue Mar 29 19:04:33 GMT 2011 I thought I could get a Calibration and a little data but the light clouds moved in and ruined the cal. ___end___ Tue Mar 29 19:19:05 GMT 2011 MKIV End Cal Tue Mar 29 20:02:50 GMT 2011: PSPT Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Mar 29 21:31:22 GMT 2011 Low clouds pass over now and then. ___end___ Tue Mar 29 22:20:46 GMT 2011 CHIP End Patrol Tue Mar 29 22:21:04 GMT 2011: PSPT Abort Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Mar 29 22:21:02 GMT 2011 Clouds are very thick now, pausing the rest of the instruments. ___end___ Tue Mar 29 22:23:45 GMT 2011 H-ALPHA End Patrol **CHIP PROBLEM COMMENT BY DARRYL**: Tue Mar 29 22:21:27 GMT 2011 I see the dark vertical line and semi-circles that Joan and Giuliana have noticed in the data. I can see it in the Camera window on the raw data the easiest, the line is vertical across the entire disk and the semi-circles are to the left (East), all are very diffused and faint. I checked the outside of the instrument and can't find anything wrong, I'll check the optics inside another day when I have the time and the conditions are right. I think it is probably internal reflections getting to the sensor. Those imperfections are still affecting CHIP data. ___end___ WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Mar 29 23:34:26 GMT 2011 Clouds are very thick. ___end___ Tue Mar 29 23:50:16 GMT 2011 MkIV 19_03.rawmk4 19_15.rawmk4 c19_06.rawmk4 19_09.rawmk4 c19_00.rawmk4 c19_12.rawmk4