----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri May 6 16:34:11 GMT 2011 Year: 11 Doy: 126 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: Fri May 6 16:36:43 GMT 2011 Thick overcast, wind 15mph from SE, temp 36F. ___end___ NOTE BY BEN: Fri May 6 23:57:36 GMT 2011 Fixing time problems on solaris machines. It looks like we were pointing to the University of Hawaii Network for time services but I understand they block such access at their edge routers. Moved time server to 0.north-america.pool.ntp.org on oopu, kaiee, kenobi, nahenahe and kii. I as unable to get things working on pspt pointing at an external service but it appears to work when pointed at kaiee. It looks like the solaris hosts all have the same time (to the resolution I could type "date" in to differnt xterm windows. ___end___ CoMP COMMENT BY BEN: Sat May 7 02:06:06 GMT 2011 I cant find the CoMP HD usb cable. I attached a spare cable I had for my camera to copy data over today. ___end___ Sat May 7 02:06:59 GMT 2011 MkIV