----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 4 17:18:02 GMT 2011 Year: 11 Doy: 277 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Oct 4 17:18:06 GMT 2011 Medium to thick cirrostratus overcast, wind=15 mph from the SSE, temp=53F, no observing until clouds thin out. ___end___ Tue Oct 04 20:29:19 GMT 2011 H-ALPHA Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Oct 4 20:29:27 GMT 2011 Cirrostratus is thinning, starting some instruments. ___end___ Tue Oct 4 20:30:33 GMT 2011 CHIP Start Patrol Tue Oct 4 21:21:39 GMT 2011: PSPT Start Patrol Tue Oct 4 21:22:32 GMT 2011 MKIV Start Patrol Tue Oct 4 21:40:30 GMT 2011 MKIV End Patrol Tue Oct 4 21:42:52 GMT 2011 MKIV Start Patrol MKIV COMMENT BY DARRYL: Tue Oct 4 22:27:09 GMT 2011 I got a few good scans but I'm pausing the instrument due to increased clouds. ___end___ Tue Oct 4 22:30:10 GMT 2011 MKIV End Patrol Tue Oct 4 23:00:49 GMT 2011 CHIP LSD Tue Oct 4 23:02:22 GMT 2011 CHIP End LSD Tue Oct 4 23:02:31 GMT 2011 CHIP BiasLSD Tue Oct 4 23:03:09 GMT 2011 CHIP End BiasLSD Tue Oct 4 23:03:17 GMT 2011 CHIP Bias Tue Oct 4 23:03:49 GMT 2011 CHIP End Bias Tue Oct 4 23:04:02 GMT 2011 CHIP ReStart Patrol Tue Oct 4 23:25:59 GMT 2011: PSPT Abort Patrol Tue Oct 4 23:26:01 GMT 2011 CHIP End Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Oct 4 23:26:07 GMT 2011 Clouds are too thick for spar to track, pausing instruments. ___end___ Tue Oct 04 23:28:13 GMT 2011 H-ALPHA End Patrol NOTE BY DARRYL: Wed Oct 5 01:09:13 GMT 2011 I had a meeting with Lopaka Lee from Hawaiian Volcano Observatory regarding possible future network configurations and MOUs, HVO got some money to upgrade their measurement network with a nice digital based ring around Mauna Loa and that may offer a mutually beneficial agreement where they might need to use and extra 200 Kbps now and then when their ring breaks and in exchange we might have use of 5 Mbps on their ring if our internet connection goes down. We'll come up with some possible scenarios and see if everyone likes them. ___end___ Wed Oct 5 01:28:50 GMT 2011 MkIV 21_22.rawmk4 21_37.rawmk4 21_54.rawmk4 22_09.rawmk4 22_24.rawmk4 21_25.rawmk4 21_42.rawmk4 21_57.rawmk4 22_12.rawmk4 22_26.rawmk4 21_28.rawmk4 21_45.rawmk4 22_00.rawmk4 22_15.rawmk4 21_31.rawmk4 21_48.rawmk4 22_03.rawmk4 22_18.rawmk4 21_34.rawmk4 21_51.rawmk4 22_06.rawmk4 22_21.rawmk4