----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tue Oct 18 17:43:03 GMT 2011 Year: 11 Doy: 291 Observer: koon WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Oct 18 17:43:05 GMT 2011 Medium cirrostratus overcast, wind=7mph from the West, temp=45F, no obs until clouds thin out. ___end___ Tue Oct 18 18:41:11 GMT 2011: PSPT Start Patrol Tue Oct 18 18:41:13 GMT 2011 H-ALPHA Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Oct 18 18:41:39 GMT 2011 Cirrostratus has thinned, starting some instruments. ___end___ Tue Oct 18 18:42:29 GMT 2011 CHIP Start Patrol Tue Oct 18 18:42:40 GMT 2011 H-ALPHA End Patrol Tue Oct 18 20:02:48 GMT 2011 MKIV Start Cal WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Oct 18 20:03:02 GMT 2011 Cirrostratus might be gone, I'll start the coronal instruments. ___end___ Tue Oct 18 20:03:30 GMT 2011 H-ALPHA Start Patrol WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Oct 18 20:05:18 GMT 2011 Nope, there's still some cirrostratus there, pausing coronal instruments. ___end___ Tue Oct 18 20:21:34 GMT 2011 MKIV End Cal **CHIP PROBLEM COMMENT BY DARRYL**: Tue Oct 18 21:40:51 GMT 2011 Kii crashed completely, had to reboot it using boot command from the "ok" prompt that was present after the crash. ___end___ Tue Oct 18 21:57:15 GMT 2011 CHIP Start Patrol Tue Oct 18 21:57:38 GMT 2011: PSPT Start Patrol **PSPT PROBLEM COMMENT BY DARRYL**: Tue Oct 18 21:52:58 GMT 2011 Had a runaway/stall while PC was trying to home axis 7, that's the filter stage, I pressed Enter to stop PC tasks and manually entered "ftr home" and it was successful. RA moved way offpointed to the West during this crash, restarting Pspt and Daily Obs put everything else where it should be, continuing obs. ___end___ Tue Oct 18 22:17:40 GMT 2011: PSPT Abort Patrol NOTE BY DARRYL: Tue Oct 18 22:44:49 GMT 2011 Trimmed stairs step reinforcement with my jigsaw. ___end___ Tue Oct 18 23:00:37 GMT 2011 CHIP LSD Tue Oct 18 23:01:41 GMT 2011: PSPT Start Patrol **PSPT PROBLEM COMMENT BY DARRYL**: Tue Oct 18 22:49:57 GMT 2011 Pointing was incorrect, stopped and did an Ephmcal to recalibrate the instru- ment to the ephemeris. stalled on "taking 3 dark frames", typed in exp and pressed enter on PC, dark frames continued along with subsequent tasks, looks good now, continuing obs. ___end___ Tue Oct 18 23:02:08 GMT 2011 CHIP End LSD Tue Oct 18 23:02:16 GMT 2011 CHIP BiasLSD WEATHER COMMENT: Tue Oct 18 23:02:44 GMT 2011 Thick low clouds are moving in, pausing instruments. ___end___ Tue Oct 18 23:03:01 GMT 2011 CHIP End BiasLSD Tue Oct 18 23:03:10 GMT 2011 CHIP Bias Tue Oct 18 23:03:51 GMT 2011 CHIP End Bias Tue Oct 18 23:03:58 GMT 2011 CHIP ReStart Patrol Tue Oct 18 23:05:10 GMT 2011 H-ALPHA End Patrol Tue Oct 18 23:17:14 GMT 2011 CHIP End Patrol Tue Oct 18 23:17:44 GMT 2011: PSPT Abort Patrol Wed Oct 19 01:50:51 GMT 2011 MkIV 20_05.rawmk4 20_18.rawmk4 c20_08.rawmk4 20_11.rawmk4 c20_02.rawmk4 c20_15.rawmk4