----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fri Nov 18 16:50:56 GMT 2011 Year: 11 Doy: 322 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: Fri Nov 18 17:14:02 GMT 2011 no wind, temp 40f, overcast of cirrus coverinig the mountan ___end___ NOTE BY BEN: Fri Nov 18 21:40:12 GMT 2011 The 270l LN2 fill dewar may have a problem with it's overpressure safty valve. It seems to remain open and slowly vent (compaired the the more common short burst to releave pressure. The dewar has also devloped a small frost ring near the fill neck, also pointing to prolonged venting. The level gauge on the top of the dewar appears to have been rescaled with a sharpie, indiciating someone must have had trouble with it before. On the manufactures scale we are just below full, but on the "sharpie" scale we are just above half full. (FYI the dewar was deleivered two days ago) If this loss rate is real we should reorder today or monday for deleivery next wednesday. ___end___ NOTE BY BEN: Fri Nov 18 21:47:52 GMT 2011 The 270l LN2 fill dewar may have a problem with it's overpressure safty valve. It seems to remain open and slowly vent (compaired the the more common short burst to releave pressure. The dewar has also devloped a small frost ring near the fill neck, also pointing to prolonged venting. The level gauge on the top of the dewar appears to have been rescaled with a sharpie, indiciating someone must have had trouble with it before. On the manufactures scale we are just below full, but on the "sharpie" scale we are just above half full. (FYI the dewar was deleivered two days ago) If this loss rate is real we should reorder today or monday for deleivery next wednesday. ___end___ NOTE BY BEN: Fri Nov 18 23:17:04 GMT 2011 Light rain is falling ___end___ GONG COMMENT BY BEN: Sat Nov 19 00:57:59 GMT 2011 Gong turret stowed ___end___ Sat Nov 19 01:38:17 GMT 2011 MkIV