----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mauna Loa Solar Observatory Observer's Log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wed Dec 21 17:23:30 GMT 2011 Year: 11 Doy: 355 Observer: berkey WEATHER COMMENT: Wed Dec 21 17:25:21 GMT 2011 temp 35f, wind 20mph from se, slight hazy above the observatory with a big cloud bank in the south east, road and board walk very icy/slippery. Opening will be delayed about 15 minutes to monitor the cloud bank ___end___ NOTE BY BEN: Wed Dec 21 17:52:45 GMT 2011 clouds now passing about 20ft above the domes ___end___ NOTE BY BEN: Wed Dec 21 18:35:52 GMT 2011 burrr blowing fog ___end___ Thu Dec 22 01:14:38 GMT 2011 MkIV